From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello! I am Chandler Klebs.I'm just a weird computer geek.I just love Wikipedia! I created an account and now I am making this page! Today is January 16 2006.I am an 18 year old boy who just loves the internet! I do all kinds of things.I email,post on forums,play games,and even Hex Edit! I love all sorts of things involving numbers.My favorite thing is powers of 2! I program in the Basic languages.I'll bet that you don't really care who I am anyway though! However,you can check out my websites! You'll find a lot of links 2 my favorite stuff! is the newest site.
In the unlikely event that you still have any questions,emailing is definitly the best way 2 contact me.
As a matter of fact,if I don't respond it means 1 of 2 things.
1.I deleted your email cause it didn't have a noticeable subject. 2.I don't have internet access at the time.
So that's probably more than you wanted 2 know!