User:Charles8854/Pre-Block Userpage
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hi everyone.
My name is Charles Stewart, & I live in Sandy Oregon, USA. I have some computer skills, but my strong suit is in "Social-Justice" Activism.
In particular, i am a strong supporter of judicial activism & reform. I specialize in the areas of American "Constitutional-Law", and in Anglo/American "Common-Law". My studies in "Common-Law" have produced particularly profound Advances for me along my path-way of searching for tangible Solutions to the problems facing all of humanity regarding social-justice. I also specialize in Direct-Democracy, & Theology. I consider all of these terms loosely synonymous. I am also a past Vice-Chair of the "Libertarian Party of Oregon", & i strongly support the general "Libertarian Statement of Principles".
I also consider myself a "Christian", and a "Jew"; as both of those words are used in their most Positive senses. I find that Christ/Messiah Jesus/Yeshuah was originally a "Jew", & that there are many instances in the new-testament where this word "Jew" is used in this "Positive" sense. Here-under; this is the manner in which i chose to use this term "Jew". I also seek Peace with Muslims, & with the members of every other religious denomination on this earth. In fact, i consider that to be the "Will" of the God of Israel.
Here-under; Social-Justice has Theological implications. God is concerned about universal Peace, Justice, and the general Welfare of All Honorable People on this earth. How-ever; that theological-angle can be down-played, as needed, in Maintaining "Open Communications" with Conscience-Bound People who consider them-selves to be atheists, agnostics, &/or secular-humanists. The more important work is to produce real & tangible Truth, Justice, Safety, Peace, & Liberty, on this Earth, in that order, as quickly & efficiently as humanly possible.
That is my life mission; & i believe many others here at Wikipedia believe similarly, & i hope to develop strong & lasting working-relationships with them.
People who desire to contact me to discuss any honorable concerns related to Wikipedia, Social-Justice, or Theology, may contact me personally by sending an email to me by logically decoding of my email-address (presented here in coded format) as follows: . (remove the following 4 characters "_at_", & replace them with the simple single-character: "@", & the resulting email-address should work properly.)
If good cause is shown through these email-communications, i will also share my phone-number, so that even more fluid & consensus-seeking communication can be engaged in. In this age of such wonderful communications-tools, it is abysmally-dysfunctional that so much paranoia is stifling the use by the common people of these communication tools. I for one am not going to be liable for not using these wonderful tools to their maximum potential in seeking consensus-based & honorable "Solutions" to the multitude of very serious problems facing all honorable members of our modern society.
First Edit: Charles8854 09:42, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
Last Up-Dated: Charles8854 23:33, 14 January 2007 (UTC)