Talk:Check Point Integrity
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where should checkpoint be ideally placed in the network??? Should it be after the router or after the firewall and VPN concentrator??
The subject of the article "Check Point Integrity™ runs on a client (XP) and can work with VPN software on the same client. What depth of defense upstream of the client, firewalls, routers, etc. is up to you. ji
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The first sentence in the article is "Check Point Integrity™ is an endpoint security software product developed by Check Point Software Technologies". This seems like a contradiction to the first sentence of the second paragraph "Check Point acquired the Integrity software as part of its acquisition of endpoint security start-up Zone Labs in 2004". Maybe Check Point has put some additional development work into the product however; I see the purchase as an effort to thwart competition since they already had a competing product “SecureClient”. The name, “SecureClient” seems to have since been tied to the acquired Check Point Integrity™ product. Or did they only use the “Integrity” name? I have to ask whether Check Point will follow their usual pricing policies to a smaller portion of this market too. ji