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[edit] E-A-tiquette
This is the codification of the mores, styles and attitudes that apply to Extreme-Acountants (otherwise known as E-As).
E-As are a subgroup of extreme sports participants (in a similar vein to Extreme Ironists)who place a new slant on their chosen activity by dressing in business apparel and carrying/using a piece of accountancy-related equipment such as a calculator, PDA, laptop, briefcase etc.
As you would expect of a rapidly developing sport, E-A-tiquette is itself evolving to encompass new settings and new points of view as to what constitutes quintessential Extreme-Accountants and Extreme-Accounting.
[edit] Extreme-Accounting
Extreme-Accounting (or E-A) is an extreme sport in a similar vein to Extreme Ironing, in which people in accountancy-related roles take a calculator, laptop, Attaché case, PDA etc. with them into a remote location or action-sports situation and do some “book-keeping” work.
Extreme-Accounting claims to be the natural evolution of centuries of Proto-E-As – from bean counters in the earliest civilizations through the medieval codifiers of accountancy practice and a variety of latter day adventurers and pioneers.
E-A injects all the adrenaline rush of accounting into the dull, everyday routine of extreme sports. Examples of Extreme-Accounting include: ice climbers coping with “Frozen Assets”, potholers with a good grasp of the “Bottom Line” and mountaineers with a gift for “Balancing Columns”. Although still a relatively new phenomenon, accountants are already embracing the concept with enthusiasm and seizing the opportunity to correct the common stereotype of accountants as unadventurous and “stay at home”.
Though presented in a light-hearted manner, Extreme-Accountants take their sport quite seriously. So far, E-As have been photographed in a wide range of situations, such as: perched 30 feet up in the air in the bucket of a cherry-picker crane; down a pothole in the Yorkshire Dales; scuba diving in the Caribbean; on a ski slope; on an ice-climbing wall; sliding down a zip wire suspended hundreds of feet above the River Wear, and battling the waves off the coast of Norfolk...
Extreme-Accounting may currently be the “Cinderella” of extreme sports but with such a large catchment of potential participants worldwide, it’s definitely one to watch – although it might be advisable to do so from a safe distance!