Christ King
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Christ King is a slogan used by Christians who either pursue a theocracy or a democratic state which grants privileges to the Church (in most cases the Roman Catholic Church).
Religion should either take the place of earthly authority or firmly influence political actions.
The ideological movement of Christ Kingship was started by the encyclical Quas primas of Pope Pius XI, published in 1925. It produces a broad range of political initiatives going from Catholic Social parties, which were near to the left-wing parties but still demanded a place for religion in the public social order, up all the way to clero-fascist parties.
Some followers of this slogan are:
- Mexican Cristeros fighting the secularist anti-religious president Plutarco Elías Calles
- Rexism (from Latin Christus Rex), an initially Roman Catholic movement, but was cut off from the rest of the Church by Bishops in Belgium, which became ever closer to National Socialism and eventually ended up collaborating (mainly in the combat against communism, that is: against the Soviet Union at the Eastern Front) during the occupation of Belgium by Nazi Germany.
- Guerrilleros de Cristo Rey ("Christ King guerrillas"), an armed oppositional organization operating during the Spanish transition to democracy against leftists, liberals and what they deemed obscenity.
[edit] See also
- The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are theological concepts interpreted variously.
- Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews is the inscription on top of crucifixes.
- The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the solemnity of Feast of Christ the King on a Sunday of November. Paola, Malta celebrates it on the third Sunday of July.