Christopher Tookey
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Christopher Tookey (April 9, 1951–) is an English film critic.
Chris Tookey has been film critic for the Daily Mail in London, England, since 1993, and for six years before that TV and film critic for the Sunday Telegraph. He has also written for the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times, Observer, European, Books & Bookmen, Literary Review and (in the US) National Review.
He was Chairman of the British Film Critics' Circle for five years between 1994 and 1998, producing and presenting their annual awards ceremony in aid of the NSPCC.He is also author of The Critics' Film Guide (Box Tree, 1994).
He is a frequent broadcaster on television and radio, makes after-dinner speeches at the drop of a rubber chicken, and lectures on Film Criticism to final-year American college students for the British American Film Academy.
All of his reviews are posted on his website. It is assumed his favourite film is Casablanca