Church of South India
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The Church of South India (C.S.I.) is a union of many Protestant Christian churches spread throughout South India. It is the largest Protestant Church in India and second largest denomination in terms of size (after the Catholic Church in India). It is one of the four United Churches in the Anglican Communion.
The inspiration for this Union was born out of ecumenism inspired by the self-pronouncing words of Jesus Christ as found in Gospel of John, 17.21 - That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. "That they all may be one" is on the logo and is the motto of the Church of South India.
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[edit] History
The C.S.I. was inaugurated in September 1947 at St. George's Cathedral, Madras (Chennai). It was formed from the union of Anglican, Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed churches in South India. Later in the 1990's, a small number of Baptist and Pentecostal churches joined the movement. The decision of merging South India's Protestant denominations began at a 1919 conference at Tranquebar (Tarangambadi), and the process was completed shortly after India's Independence.
The creation of the Church of South India was a historic event in Christendom where, for the first time, churches with Episcopal and non-Episcopal traditions decided to form a union. The C.S.I. was one of the earliest forms of the united and uniting church.
[edit] Administration
The church is organized into 22 Dioceses, each under the supervision of a Bishop, including one Diocese within Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The Church is governed by a Synod with headquarters in Madras (Chennai), which every two years elects a presiding Bishop, called a Moderator, who serves as head of the church. The Church has 3.8 million members in 14,000 congregations worldwide. The great majority of members are in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. There are International representations in Sri Lanka, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates
The C.S.I. runs 2000 schools, 130 colleges and 104 hospitals in South India. In the 1960s the Church became conscious of its social responsibility and started organizing rural development projects. There are 50 such projects all over India, 50 training centers for young people, and 500 residential hostels for a total of 35,000 children.
[edit] Present Administrators
- Moderator - The Most Revd. Dr. B.P.Sungandhar, Bishop-in-Medak
- Deputy Moderator - Rt. Revd. S.Vasantha Kumar, Bishop-in-Karnataka Central
- General Secretary - Dr. Mrs. Pauline Sathiamurthy
- Treasurer - Mr. V. Kasthuri
[edit] The Motto and The Cross

The symbols, the lotus and the Christian cross, used in the logo of the church possess a rich cultural heritage which help understand the call and mission of the CSI Church.
Lotus, a typical Indian flower, is a temple flower. Mythologically it is supposed to be the seat of the creator. Pankajam one of the Indian names for lotus has a very significant meaning, it mean 'that born in mud'. This flower blossom at the sunrise and withers away after sunset, in other words it lives as long as it receives the sunrays, hence it is also called 'THAMMIPUVE' the flower of the sun. All these meaning attributed to the flower suit us well to interpret the position, nature and role of the people in the bond of union.
The petals of the lotus and the cross are beautifully knitted together with the fiery-tongues of the Holy Spirit. It is an authentic Indian expression of people's communion with God. The original colors, red (for life) and purple (for piety and ecclesiastical) in white backdrop implicitly communicate the nature of the mystical union, where, an inseparable companionship is established which, again, a typical India thought form.
The words "THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE, CHURCH OF SOUTH INDIA" are embossed in a circle round the lotus and the cross. The words are taken from the high priestly prayer of Jesus Christ who prayed not only for the 'Church' but also for the whole world. This universality is portrayed by placing the words in a form of circle, a symbol which also represents the universe.
"That they all may be one; that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You.. (John 17:21)", is an inclusive affirmation which explicitly shows the centrality of Christ and the Church, His Body. Since it is also, the prayer of the Church that it is not only churches but all people of India to be united, a prayer for national integration is well taken care of in the emblem.
The imposing central position of the cross in the logo conveys the idea that it was the indefatigable, selfless supreme sacrifice that was made by Jesus on the cross is the base of the Church. The four ends of the cross painted in deep color indicating that it is the cross that guides all members inside and outside to join in one stream to pray and labor united for a peaceful coexistence and communal harmony.
[edit] Affiliations
Institutions that grant theological degrees which are recognized by the C.S.I. List of Theological Institutes affiliated with Serampore College, Serampore
- ACTC = Andhra Christian Theological College, Hyderabad
- BC = Bishops College, Calcutta
- GLTCRI = Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai
- KTC = Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore
- SATHRI = South Asia Theological Research Institute, Bangalore
- SC = Serampore College, Serampore
- TTS = Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Madurai
- UTC = United Theological College, Bangalore
Affiliations with other churches
The Church of South India is a member of the Anglican Communion. Its Bishops participate in the Lambeth Conferences and it has representation on the Anglican Consultative Council. The C.S.I. is in full communion with the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church of India and the Church of North India (CNI). It is a member in the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches in India.
The CSI, CNI, and Mar Thoma Church jointly formed the Communion of Churches in India (CCI) in 1978 for mutual recognition of the ministry and leaders, intercommunal relationship, and to to explore possibilities of working together especially in the field of evangelization in India and other areas of cooperation in the fulfillment of the mission of the Church.
[edit] Dioceses
(Diocese name / Headquarters / Present Bishop)
[edit] in Andhra Pradesh
- Medak [1] / Medak / Rt.Revd.Dr. B.P. Sugandhar, B.D. (UTC), D.Min.
- Karimnagar [2]/ Karimnagar / Rt.Revd. S.J.Theodore, B.D.(UTC), M.Th.(UTC)
- Dornakal [3] / Dornakal / Rt.Revd.Dr. B.S.Devamani, B.D.(BC), STM (General Theological Seminary, New York), D.Min. (Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago)
- Krishna-Godavari [4] / Bandar / Rt.Revd.Dr. G.Dyvasirvadam,M.A., B.D.(BC), M.Th. (UTC), D.Th.(SATHRI)]
- Nandyal [5] / Nandyal / Rt.Revd.Dr. P.J.Lawrence, B.D.(UTC),M.A.,M.Th.,D.Min.
- Rayalaseema [6] / Gooty / Rt.Revd. K.B.Yesu Vara Prasad, B.D.(ACTC)
[edit] in Karnataka
- Karnataka North [7]/ Dharwad / Rt.Revd. P.J.K.Balmi
- Karnataka Central [8] / Bangalore / Rt.Revd. S.Vasantha Kumar, B.D.(UTC), M.Th.(UTC)
- Karnataka South [9]/ Mangalore / Rt.Revd. B.Devaraj

[edit] in Tamil Nadu
- Chennai [10] / Chennai / Rt.Revd.Dr. V.Devasahayam / B.D.(UTC), M.Th.(UTC), D.Th.(SATHRI)
- Coimbatore [11]/ Coimbatore / Rt.Revd.Dr. M.Dorai, B.A.,B.D.,M.Th.,DD
- Kanyakumari [12] / Nagercoil / Rt.Revd. G.Davakadasham
- Madurai-Ramnad [[13]]/ Thirumangalam / Vacant
- Tirunelveli [14] / Tirunelveli / Rt.Revd. S.Jeyapaul David, B.D. (UTC)
- Tiruchirappalli-Thanjavur [15] / Tiruchirappalli / Rt.Revd. James Srinivasan
- Vellore [16] / Vellore / Rt.Revd. Yesurathnam William
- Tuticorin - Nazareth [17] / Tuticorin - Nazareth / Rt.Revd. J.A.D.Jeyachandran
[edit] in Kerala
- North Kerala [18] / Shoranur / Rt.Revd. George Issac
- Madhya Kerala [19] / [20] / Kottayam / Rt.Revd. Thomas Samuel / B.D., S.T.M., M.Th.
- East Kerala [21] / [22] / Melukavumattom / Rt. Rev. Dr. K. G. Daniel
- South Kerala [23] / [24] / Thiruvananthapuram / Trivandrum / Rt.Revd. J.W.Gladstone, B.D.(UTC), M.Th., Dr.Theol.(University of Hamburg)
[edit] in Ceylon
[edit] See also
- Serampore College, Serampore, West Bengal
- Church of North India
- Association of Theologically Trained Women of India (ATTWI)
- Andhra Christian Theological College, Hyderabad, South India
[edit] External links
- CSI Synod
- International Listing of CSI Churches with Websites
- Anglican Communion web page about the CSI
- Liturgy of Church of South India
- The Council of CSI Congregations in North America
- Church of South India International Resource Center
- Madhya (Central) Kerala diocese
- Tirunelveli Diocese
- Madras (Chennai) Diocese
- CSI Congregation in Michigan
- CSI of Greater New York
- Mateer Memorial Church, South Kerala Diocese
- CSI Christ Church Alacode, Madhya Kerala Diocese
- CSI Christ Church Kodukulanji, Madhya Kerala Diocese
- CSI Youth at Seaford, NY
- CSI Youth Movement - Madhya Kerala Diocese: Kodukulanji District
- CSI church, Deroit, MI
- Christians of Kerala
[edit] Notes
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