Cité catholique
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La Cité Catholique is a Catholic fundamentalist group created in 1946 by Jean Ousset, private secretary of Charles Maurras, who himself had founded the monarchist Action française in 1899. An advance party of the Cité catholique arrived in Argentina in 1958, in the middle of the Algerian War (1954-62) and after the Catholic nationalist coup which deposed Juan Perón in 1955. The Cité Catholique brought to Argentina a doctrine of counter-revolutionary warfare and torture, justified as part of Thomist dogmatism. They would thus provide the ideological support of the future "Dirty war" carried out by the Argentine military in the 1970s.
Many members of the group had taken part in the pro-"French Algeria" OAS terrorist group created in Madrid, and which attempted to block the implementation of the March 1962 Evian Accords and also tried several times to assassinate General Charles de Gaulle, whom the French far-right felt he had deceived. Following the dismantlement of the OAS and execution of some of its members, the OAS chaplain, Georges Grasset, organized the flight of OAS members, from a route going from Paris to Franquist Spain and finally to Argentina. Grasset arrived in 1962 in Buenos Aires to take charge of the Argentine branch of the Cité Catholique.
Charles Lacheroy, a member of this group, was the first person to reflect on the reasons behind the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, which all but put an end to the Indochina War (1946-54). Roger Trinquier, who theorized the systemic use of torture in counter-insurgency in Modern Warfare: A French View of Counterinsurgency (1961), was also a member of this organization.
Along with Colonel Jean Gardes, chief French expert in psychological warfare, Jean Ousset developed the concept of "subversion". According to Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky, "this conceived a protean, quintessential enemy who, rather than being defined by his actions, was seen as a force trying to subvert Christian order, natural law or the Creator's plan." According to Ousset, "the revolutionary apparatus is ideological before it is political, and political before it is military."
[edit] Le Marxisme-Léninisme
In Le Marxisme-Léninisme, Jean Ousset wrote that Marxists could only be combatted by "a profound faith, an unlimited obedience to the Holy Father, and a thorough knowledge of the Church's doctrines." The first translated version of this book was in Spanish, published in Argentine in 1961 and for which Antonio Cardinal Caggiano, archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1959 to 1965, wrote a prologue, where he thanked the "men of La Ciudad Católica of Argentina." In this prologue, Caggiano explained that Marxism was born of "the negation of Christ and his Church put into practice by the Revolution" and spoke of a Marxist conspiracy to take over the world, for which it was necessary to "prepare for the decisive battle," although the enemy had not yet "taken up arms." Horacio Verbitsky commented this: "As often happens in a continent that imports ideas, the doctrine of annihilation preceded that of the revolutionary uprising." Caggiano compared this vigilance to the one that preceded the 1571 Battle of Lepanto "to save Europe from domination by the Turks." Ousset's book also included a list of the papal bulls condemning communism.
Colonel Jean Gardes arrived in Argentina in 1963. Her daughter showed in 2003 to French journalist Marie-Monique Robin notes from her father, which show that in March 1963, a naval ieutenant commander, Federico Lucas Roussillon, offerred Gardes Argentine government protection if he would deliver counter-insurgency courses at the ESMA, the Navy Mechanic Schools. In 1955, then Lieutenant Roussillon took part in the Revolución Libertadora, the Catholic nationalist movement led by Eduardo Lonardi which overthrew Juan Domingo Peron. Major Juan Francisco Guevara, one of Lonardi's general staff, proposed that the conspirational password be "God is Just."' Roussillon became in 1963 a member of the Naval intelligence service, and retired in 1979 with the rank of Captain. Soon after Gardes met Roussillon, the Cadets at the ESMA were shown the film The Battle of Algiers, which described one of the first counter-insurgency battle, during which General Marcel Bigeard and Jacques Massu made a systemic use of torture, block warden system, and death flights (dubbed "Crevettes Bigeard", or "Bigeard's Shrimps").
[edit] Sources
- Horacio Verbitsky in The Silence, extract transl. in English made available by Open Democracy: Breaking the silence: the Catholic Church in Argentina and the "dirty war", July 28, 2005
- Marie-Monique Robin, Escadrons de la mort, l'école française, 453 pages. La Découverte (15 Sep 2004). Collection : Cahiers libres. (ISBN 2707141631) Transl. Los Escuadrones De La Muerte/ the Death Squadron 539 pages. Sudamericana (Oct 2005). (ISBN 950072684X) (Presentation)