Civilian Marksmanship Program
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The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a U.S. government-chartered program that promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth. Any U.S. citizen who is not legally prohibited from owning a firearm may purchase a military surplus rifle from the CMP, provided they are a member of a CMP affiliated club. The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and state associations that covers every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.
The CMP was created by the U.S. Congress as part of the 1903 War Department Appropriations Act. The original purpose was to provide civilians an opportunity to learn and practice marksmanship skills so they would be skilled marksmen if later called on to serve in the U.S. military. Over the years the emphasis of the program shifted to focus on youth development through marksmanship. From 1916 until 1996 the CMP was administered by the U.S. Army. Title XVI of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 (Public Law 104-106, 10 February 1996) created the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice & Firearms Safety (CPRPFS) to take over administration and promotion of the CMP. The CPRPFS is a tax-exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that has been Federally chartered by the U.S. Congress, but is not an agency of the U.S. Government (Title 36, United States Code, Section 40701 et seq). Apart from a donation of surplus .22 and .30 caliber rifles in the Army's inventory to the CMP, the CMP receives no Federal funding.
[edit] Programs
Among the various activities and programs administered by the CMP are pistol and rifle shooting competitions (for example, at Camp Perry in Ohio) and the sale of surplus U.S. Army rifles. The sale of rifles in particular has been quite popular, with the CMP offering M1 Garand, M1903 Springfield, M1917 Enfield, M1 Carbine, and .22 caliber rifles for sale to members of affiliated organizations. Ammunition and other accessories are also sold through the CMP's online store.
The CMP maintains two main offices: CMP South in Anniston, Alabama, and CMP North in Ohio at Camp Perry near Port Clinton.
[edit] Competition Tracker
In July 2003 the CMP launched Competition Tracker, the first online results system for the shooting sports. Originally designed specifically for the National Trophy matches, the CMP now uses Competition Tracker as the official results bullittin of every CMP competition. In March 2006, during the JROTC National Championships, the CMP used Competition Tracker, in conjunction with Sius Ascor Electronic Score Targets, to provide real time results on the web. On average, it was 45 seconds from the time a shooter fired a shot to when his or her shot value was seen on the Internet. The CMP continues to be innovative today, they are currently research Visual Image Scoring technology that will allow competitors to score traditional paper targets electronically.