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[edit] Links on U.S. Covert activities
Unless otherwise marked, these are the sources for all statements.
[edit] 1964 Election
U.S. spent $3 million to prevent Allende victory and help opposition through propaganda, funding the Christian Democrats (moderate) and Radical Party (conservative) political parties, and supporting other anti-Allende organizations. Christian Democrats were not informed that they received U.S. funding. Christian Democrat candidate Frei won 56.1%, Allende 39.9%. Assessment was that Frei could not have won majority without U.S. support, but but probably would have won plurality.
[edit] 1970 Election
U.S. was less involved in the election which Allende won. U.S. businesses gave $700,000 to conservative campaign, Soviets $400,000 to Allende (Mitrokhin), CIA estimates Cuba's contributions were $350,000. U.S. spent $800,000-$1 million to discourage Allende's election but not in support of any particular party. Allende won with 36.6% of the vote, the Independent Conservative 35.3%, and the Christian Democrat 28.1%.