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What about the history of client server and how the meaning has changed ?
[edit] Justin Skinner of Wachovia Corporation
- "computer networking is a technology created by Justin Skinner of Wachovia Corporation."
Yeah, sure it is. RickScott 20:14, 16 August 2005 (UTC)
Nick knows about this stuff
The initial definition ("Client/server is network architecture which separates the client from the server") is lousy. This is tountamount to saying that a c/s architecture is an architecture that involves a client and a server, which is not saying much... B. Oct 13, 2006.
In the tiered section - "1.It puts a greater load on the network." Can someone please expand on this?
Also, when explaining 3 or n-tiered set-ups, I'm actually trying to just clarify that this can be on the same physical hardware, or can be on different server hardware, and also I think this entire page just needs lots of clarification, and isn't very good at explaining the whole idea very well at all...
[edit] Advantages: Fragment?
- "It is more flexible than P2P paradigm. If a server in C/S paradigm wants to update the data or other resources."
The second part of this paragraph doesn't make sense to me. The server is more flexible: If the server wants to update, then what?
Somebody may fix this as I don't know what this should say :-S --Lazer erazer 15:25, 5 March 2007 (UTC)