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CLP stands for COIN-OR LP . CLP is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is published under the Common Public License so it can be used in commercial software without any of the contamination issues which GNU General Public License has. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, although a stand-alone executable version can be built. It is designed to be as reliable as any commercial solver (if not quite as fast) and to be able to tackle very large problems.
CLP is designed to solve problems such as :-
- minimize
- minimize
- Problem constraints of the following form
- Non-negative variables
But with up to millions of variables and/or constraints. Its main algorithm is the Simplex algorithm.
COIN-OR was created in 2000 to allow different commercial and free solvers to share a common interface. COIN-OR now has more than 20 projects, but it soon became apparent that a native solver was needed by some of these projects and so CLP was coded. It is used in COIN-OR projects such as COIN-OR SYMPHONY, BCP (Branch Cut and Price), CBC (Coin Branch and Cut) and others.
See also :