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Coindrop is the popular name of a prank played mostly by young children and teenagers in Scotland, generally in public places such as shopping centres. A coindrop begins when someone accidentally drops a coin, and reaches to pick it up, unwittingly making themselves a potential victim. At this point, somebody may shout out "Coindrop!", and that person or a nearby friend runs to the victim and kicks him/her, usually with great force; this is sometimes known as a 'Coindrop kick', and being a victim of one is known as being 'coindropped'. Performing a coindrop can be considered assault, but few arrests have been made. There has been recent controversy[citation needed] over the police turning a blind eye to coindrop pranksters.
Although it is unclear where and how Coindrop originated, it became widespread when it was performed by a ned character in an episode of Still Game in 2005.