Computers for Schools
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The Computers for Schools scheme was implemented by Tesco in 1992. The scheme offers computer equipment to schools in exchange for vouchers collected by customers in Tesco stores. Computers for Schools has delivered £92m worth of computer equipment to schools, and other eligible organisations such as children's wards in hospitals, from 1992-2004. Customers receive one voucher for every £10 spent at Tesco, and participating schools accept these vouchers from pupils and their families.
The computers originally offered by the Computers for Schools scheme were Acorn Archimedes systems, which reinforced Acorn's foothold in the UK educational market. Since the break up of Acorn in the late 1990s, the scheme has offered Windows-based PCs manufactured by Oxfordshire-based company Research Machines.
The scheme has been also implemented in Poland.
[edit] References
BITC - Tesco Computers for Schools. Retrieved on January 19, 2006.