User talk:Copper20
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This page is about Disney Videos!!
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[edit] FBI Screens
1978-1983: Blue FBI screens. Most releases had a screen saying For sale only not for rentel. The text is yellow and is in Times New Roman Font. A few releases had a Duplication screen in Arial.
Late 1985-Early 1987: Brown FBI screens. Text is white and is in Arial Black uppercase. A video dealership announcment normally was shown.
1984-1991: Orange FBI screens. Text is in Lucida Sans Unicode (Releases in 1991 had Typewriter Lucida Sans Font). A few releases had a Duplication Screen.
1991-1998, 1998-2000: Green FBI screens and Dark Green FBI screens. Text is in Arial with a shadow. A few releases had a Duplication Screen. Releases from 1998-2000 had the 2nd screen saying a different and longer speech.
2001-?: Navy Blue FBI screens. Text is in Arial Condensed. A few releases had a Duplication Screen.
- Copper20, I hate to break it to ya. The Red FBI Warnings were 1984 because, I have the 1984 Video of Robin Hood and it uses Red Warnings Screens, so that proves that they are 1984. And the Green ones were acually 1991 because 1. My copy was printed on September.17,1991. 2. It was released November.1,1991. And the Rescuers Down Under with the green screens, no previews, and 1989 classics logo was released the same day. So they are 1991, so stick with it!
- Yeppers, I will. Who are you?Copper20 14:07, 13 March 2007 (UTC)Copper20
- I am Marco, Imax80's friend on wikipedia.
[edit] Logos
1978-Late 1986- Neon Mickey
Late 1986-1999- Sorcerer Mickey
1992-2001- WDHV. A few releases had the words blue and added Presents w/ a voiceover
1995-2000- Same, but the text is blue and Walt Disney is in the same text
2000-2002- Disney Videos
2002-?- The Ring
[edit] Walt Disney Classics
Dumbo (1982): Although not part of the series yet, but I don't have it anymore. The blue FBI screens and 1978 Neon Mickey. The 1991 Re print is the same thing but with the Orange FBI Screens and the 1989 WDC logo.
Robin Hood (1984): Blue (Or Orange) FBI screens and the 1984 WDC logo. Another one has the Orange FBI Screens, 1986 WDHV Logo, Disney Classics Logo, trailers for The Rescuers Down Under and The Jungle Book, 1991 FP Logo, and the 1988 Prototype Classics logo is shown, but without Mickey and the spark animation, just the spark giving gold.
Pinocchio (1985): Orange FBI screens and the 1984 WDC logo. Another print is from 1993 and this one has Green FBI Screens, trailers for Aladdin and The Lion King, 1992 FP Logo, and the muffled 1992 WDC logo.
Sleeping Beauty (1986): Some friends of mine had this and I didn't! Brown FBI Screens, Video Dealer Announcment, and the 1984 WDC logo.
Lady and the Tramp (1987): My cousins have this one; Orange FBI screens with the Duplication screen. The 1984 WDC logo is just after.
Cinderella (1988): Never heard of it, but after Systemoperator's comment on Mjen1952's channel, the Orange FBI Screens are used, trailer of Oliver and Company, and the 1988 Prototype Classics Logo.
Bambi (1989): I used to have this, but I still remember everything. The Orange FBI screens, trailer for The Little Mermaid, and the 1989 WDC logo.
The Little Mermaid (1990): Heck, there isn't anything on this one! I don't have this one anymore, but my cousins do. Orange FBI screens and the 1989 WDC logo.
Peter Pan (1990): I used to have this too. The Orange FBI screens, fly-in bumpers, trailers for both The Little Mermaid and The Rescuers Down Under, and the 1989 WDC Prototype logo.
The Jungle Book (1991): Never had it, but my cousins used to have this. The Orange FBI screens, 1986 WDHV logo, the white coming attraction bumpers, trailers for Peter Pan and Beauty and the Beast. The 1989 WDC logo follows all of this.
The Rescuers Down Under (1991): Again, from my cousins. I didn't have this one. Orange FBI Screens, 1986 WDHV logo, trailer for The Jungle Book and the 1991 FP logo. 1989 WDC Logo is after these.
Fantasia (1991): Two here. The first one is the same as The Little Mermaid. The second one has the green FBI screens, a trailer for Beauty and the Beast, FP Logo 1992. 1992 WDC logo is after those 3.
101 Dalmations (1992): Again, there's 2 here. The first one has the green FBI screens, purple screen bumper with no music, trailer for Aladdin, 1992 FP Logo, and 1992 WDC logo. After the movie is trailers for The Great Mouse Detective and Beauty and the Beast. The 2nd one is just like both Fantasia and The Little Mermaid, but with the green FBI screens and the 1992 WDC logo. My old friend had this.
The Great Mouse Detective (1992): Used to have it also. Same as 101 Dalmations, but a different Aladdin Trailer and no purple screens, but the 1992 FP logo. After the movie, trailers for The Rescuers and Beauty and the Beast. In the middle there is a logo saying Coming this fall to home video, just like 101 Dalmations.
The Rescuers (1992): Had it also, Green FBI screens, trailers for both Beauty and the Beast and The Great Mouse Detective. In the middle, a WDHV cut short logo shines. The FP Logo is displayed, only with a aquatic background and the WDC logo is muffled. Nothing at the end.
Beauty and the Beast (1992): Green FBI Screens, same purple screen bumpers, but with music, trailers for Sleeping Beauty and Aladdin. 1992 WDC Logo Muffled. After the movie is a trailer for 101 Dalmations.
Aladdin (1993): Green FBI Screens, trailers for Pinocchio and The Lion King and the FP logo and 1992 Classics logo.
The Fox and the Hound (1994): Similar to TGMD, but with a Lion King Trailer instead of Aladdin, and no previews after the movie. The 1992 Muffled Classics logo is after this.
[edit] Other Videos
Pete's Dragon (1980): I heard of this one. Blue FBI Screens, 1978 Neon Mickey. Promo at end for bunch of other movies.
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (1981): I remember this from Missouri. Blue FBI Screens, and 1978 Neon Mickey. Promo for a bunch of other Disney movies at the end.
Alice in Wonderland (1982): I never did own this, but the Blue FBI Screens, 1978 Neon Mickey, and promo for a bunch of Disney movies at the end.
The Shaggy D.A. (1984): I've seen this movie before. Orange FBI Screens, and 1983 Neon Mickey.
Hot Lead and Cold Feet (1985): I remember back in November 2004 I rented this movie and I still remember everything!! Brown FBI Screens, a video dealer announcement (This one says If you purchased this movie without a cover, it's stolen), and 1983 Neon Mickey.
Disney Sing Along Songs Volume 2 (1986): Got this from Systemoperator. This is what he said: The first one is very similar to Hot Lead and Cold Feet, but with the 1986 WDHV Logo w/ a presents varient. Another print is from 1991, and that one has orange fbi screens, and the 1986 WDHV Logo.
Disney Sing Alongs Songs Volume 1 (1987): From a comment from Youtube. 1986 WDHV Logo. No FBI Screens.
Walt Disney Cartoon Classics Volume 6 (1988): I have it. Orange FBI Screens, 1986 WDHV Logo, WDCC 1987 Opening, and a promo for the WDCC.
Disney Sing Along Songs Volume 3 (1988): I own this still. Orange FBI Screens, and 1986 WDHV Logo.
Very Merry Christmas Songs (1988): One of the oldest VHSes I currently have. Orange FBI Screens, 1986 WDHV Logo, and the end of the movie has a promo for a bunch of christmas movies made by Disney.
A Day for Eeyore (1989): I have this. Orange FBI Screens, 1986 WDHV Logo, MC Opening, and at the end is a promo for all of the mini classics.
The Land Before Time (1989): I still have this. 1988 MCA Home Video FBI Screens, and their logo.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1990): Never had it, but this is what I got from Mjen1952. Orange FBI Screens, and 1986 WDHV Logo w/o mickey.
Peter and the Wolf (1990): 2 here. Orange FBI Screens, trailer for the prince and the pauper and The Rescuers Down Under, 1986 WDHV Logo, MC Opening, and the end has a promo for all mini classics.
So Dear to my Heart (1991): Got 2 here again, the first one has the orange fbi screens, 1986 WDHV logo with a voiceover saying "Coming soon from WDHV", the fly in bumpers that scared the sh*t out of me, trailers for Beauty and the Beast, The Rescuers Down Under, and The Jungle Book. 1991 FP Logo. The 2nd one is from 1992 and this one has green fbi screens, 1986 WDHV Logo, one of the fly in bumpers, trailers for Beauty and the Beast and The Rescuers. 1992 Black-Blue FP Logo. After the movie is a trailer for The Great Mouse Detective.
The Brave Little Toaster (1994): Never had it, but this is what I got from Youtube. The last 2 FBI Screens *No FBI Part, a duplication screen replaces it*, trailer for Snow White, 1992 Black and Blue FP logo and 1986 WDHV Logo w/ presents.
Operation Dumbo Drop (1995): I quite don't remember this quite well... but: Green FBI Screens, trailer for A Goofy Movie, and the 1992 blue WDHV Logo w/ presents.
Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, and 6 (1995): Trailer for Star Wars Trilogy. This is the same for the whole trilogy.
Aladdin and the King of Thevies (1996): Green FBI Screens, trailers for James and the Giant Peach, Muppet Treasure Island, and the Live Action 101 Dalmations movie. 1992 FP Logo and 1992 WDHV Logo.
[edit] Your Top 10 Disney Movies
Everyone, Imax80, Wilie2005, or any Disney fans, put down you top 10 favorite Disney Movies!
Mine are-
10. 101 Dalmations
9. Oliver and Company
8. Robin Hood
7. The Rescuers Down Under
6. So Dear to my Heart
5. Peter Pan
4. The Jungle Book
3. The Rescuers
2. The Fox and the Hound
1. The Great Mouse Detective Copper20 14:09, 13 March 2007 (UTC)Copper20
[edit] About one of your Disney videos...
If your copy of The Fox and the Hound really does have the 1988 prototype Classics logo, it must be a very rare version. When was your copy printed? Gabrielkat 14:44, 26 March 2007 (UTC)
Maybe say like, very early 1994? It's also a clean version.Copper20 22:28, 26 March 2007 (UTC)Copper20
Actually I viewed it 20 minutes ago. There's no prototype, and the version's muffled!Copper20 01:42, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Me guide to Disney logos!!!
1978-1986: Neon Mickey: Black Background, a laser-looking-like Mickey appear, changing colors from blue, then purple, then red, then yellow, and finally green. Walt Disney is sketched and Home Entertainment (1984-1986 prints had Home Video) zooms in.
1986-1998: Sorcerer Mickey: Black Background, this time the Fantasia Mickey appears under a blue spotlight. Zooming into his hand, a spark appears and writes Walt Disney. Home Video appears, zooming out. It then shines. Some prints had a voiceover, had presents appear after it shines, or is cut short, skipping Mickey.
1992-2001: Text: Black Background again, but this time, the words are gold, no spark animation nor mickey. This sometimes was shown on a blue background, or the words were blue, and always had presents, with a voiceover.