Couto Mixto
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Couto Mixto (English: Mixed Territory) is a spanish territory with three villages, located in Ourense, by the border with Portugal.
This land was not Portuguese or Spanish for centuries, until the Lisbon Treaty (1864) that gave the sovereignty to Spain. But before that the people living there had several privileges, as not to be obligated to go to the army (Portuguese or Spanish) or not needing licence to carry weapons. it was in fact an independent territory. Nowadays some cultural initiatives try to remember those days and traditions.
[edit] News
- (Spanish) «La 'república independiente' del Couto» - El País
- (Galician) «Os novos xuíces honorarios darán pulo ás tradicións culturais do Couto Mixto» - La Voz de Galicia
- (Galician) «Un Couto de cultura» -
[edit] Links
- (Spanish) Asociación de Veciños do Couto Mixto