Creative evangelism
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Creative evangelism is a form of evangelism (sharing personal religious convictions) often adopted by evangelical Christians.
It's approach is to use the creative arts (such as visual art, drama, music, film, literature) to present a religious message that will encourage other people to become members of that faith.
Examples in the evangelical world include:
The 'Left Behind' Series. This is a 12-part novel series (that has also been made into a film) about the end of the world. It is centered on the struggle between the church and the AntiChrist. (see Left Behind)
Chronicles of Brothers. This is a three part book series written by Wendy Alec. It is about the history of the universe from the perspective of three archangels: Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer.
Christian rock music. Bands such as Third Day and Delirious? target perform Christian-themed songs to mainly younger audiences. (see Christian rock or Contemporary Christian Music)