From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Summary
"Cross Potent" symbol of traditional heraldry.
SVG version of Image:Cross-Potent-Heraldry.png
Converted from the following PostScript code:
20 20 translate
180 540 moveto 180 490 l
250 490 l 250 310 l 70 310 l
70 380 l 20 380 l 20 180 l
70 180 l 70 250 l 250 250 l
250 70 l 180 70 l 180 20 l
380 20 l 380 70 l 310 70 l
310 250 l 490 250 l 490 180 l
540 180 l 540 380 l 490 380 l
490 310 l 310 310 l 310 490 l
380 490 l 380 540 l closepath
[edit] Licensing
File links
The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):