Template:Crypto navbox
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] The main crypto navigation box
This template is the main crypto navigation box. It can be added to the bottom of any cryptography article. This template also has some magic so it can include one or more of the specialised crypto navigation boxes inside the same frame.
To only use this template alone add this code to the bottom of an article:
{{crypto navbox}}
If you want it to also show for instance the specialised navigation box about stream ciphers then give it the "stream" parameter, like this:
{{crypto navbox | stream}}
You can also add several boxes in it, like this:
{{crypto navbox | block | stream}}
Note that the parameters come sort of in backwards order. In the example above the stream cipher box will be on top, followed by the block cipher box and then with the main crypto "navbox" at the bottom.
Here is an invalid example since "navbox" should not be a parameter but instead is part of the address of this template:
{{crypto stream | navbox}}
The available specialised boxes are:
For more details about these navigation boxes please see the WikiProject Cryptography.
[edit] Technical details
If / when you make a new specialised navigation box there are several things you need to know:
- The specialised boxes need to use special naming if you want to be able to use them within the main crypto navigation box. Say you want to make a navigation box about "anonymity" then it should have the URL "Template:Crypto anonymity". Then it can automatically be used like this: {{crypto navbox | anonymity}}
- The specialised boxes need special code within them to function properly. So please copy the code from one of the existing boxes.
- When you copy the code from one of the existing boxes don't forget to update the URL for the edit button to point to your new box. (That is, the edit button in the top right corner within the template.)