Cultist (Star Wars)
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Cultists were (and possibly still are) a form of Reborn in the computer and video game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. They serve as saber and force-wielding enemies in the game.
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[edit] Origin
The cult was created by the dark Jedi Tavion Axmis, who, in the game Jedi Outcast was apprentice of the now deceased lord, Desann. The cult was called the Disciples of Ragnos, its goal being to resurrect the ancient Sith Lord Marka Ragnos. Using the Scepter of Ragnos, Tavion empowered her Imperial followers with the Dark side of the Force. They were automatically corrupted and turned to the Dark Side due to the fact that Tavion's cult stole only the Dark Force Energy from the various places she visited. Cultists are humans without the gift of the force, meaning they are normal humans, but are reborn in the force through a similar process as the Desann's followers.
[edit] Classification
Note: These classifications are not official, and are merely named as such to give the reader a better idea of their behavior and how deadly they are.
Cultists are classified into these groups:
[edit] Duelists
[edit] Apprentice
- Appearance: Man wearing a Yellow Mask and Yellow battle armor, wielding a Single-Bladed Lightsaber
- Lightsaber Style(s): Fast
- Force Technique(s): Jump, Resistance
- Description: A Cultist who has gained little knowledge of the Lightsaber or Force. Has learned no battle-useful Force Techniques, and cannot call upon the force for assistance with Saber Locks very well (but can hold one if dominating). This is a Cultist that has little or no chance against a Jedi.
[edit] Standard
- Appearance: See "Apprentice"
- Lightsaber Style(s): Fast, Medium, or Strong (Never all at the same time)
- Force Technique(s): Push, Pull, Jump, Lightsaber Throw, Resistance
- Description: A Cultist with improved Lightsaber Training, and the ability to throw a Lightsaber. Not much has improved in the way of Force Training, but lightsaber offense has improved immensely. Cultists in this rank commonly focus on only one of the three styles. Their saber locking abilities have not improved since Apprenticeship but that is the only thing that hasn't. This is a Cultist who's chances of defeating a Jedi have improved very slightly from Apprenticeship and will likely still lose.
[edit] Force Masters
[edit] Strangler
- Appearance: Man wearing a Green Mask and Green Battle Armour
- Lightsaber Style(s): N/A
- Force Technique(s): Push, Pull, Jump, Grip/Choke
- Description: A Cultist that chooses to focus more on Force Training in the form of Choking. Often seen in support of Duelists. Uses Push excessively to keep Saber-wielders away from themselves, and makes extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers. With no Training in Resistance, however, they can easily be Pushed or Pulled, which can prove disastrous in areas with pits and other places where falling is common. With no Lightsaber, these Cultists are normally slain first in larger battles.
[edit] Lifeforce Thief
- Appearance: Man Wearing a Red Mask and Red and White Battle Armour
- Lightsaber Style(s): N/A
- Force Technique(s): Push, Pull, Jump, Drain
- Description: A Cultist that chooses to focus more on Force Training in the form of Stealing Force Energy and Lifeforce. Often seen in support of Duelists. Uses Push (though not as commonly as other Force Master due to the fact that they prefer the close-range variant of Drain) to keep Saber-wielders away from themselves, and makes extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers. With no Training in Resistance, however, they can easily be Pushed or Pulled, which can prove disastrous in areas with pits and other places where falling is common. With no Lightsaber, these Cultists are normally slain first in larger battles.
[edit] Storm Summoner
- Appearance: Man Wearing a Blue Mask and Blue and White Battle Armour
- Lightsaber Style(s): N/A
- Force Technique(s): Push, Pull, Jump, Lightning
- Description: A Cultist that chooses to focus more on Force Training in the form of Lightening in massive degree. Often seen in support of Duelists. Uses Push excessively to keep Saber-wielders away from themselves, and makes extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers. With no Training in Resistance, however, they can easily be Pushed or Pulled, which can prove disastrous in areas with pits and other places where falling is common. These Cultists are more dangerous than their counterparts for the fact that they can summon Level 3 Force Lightening from both hands, which results in a massive attack that damages their opponent's shields and health at the same time at a very rapid rate. This, coupled with their ability to use Push while performing this technique makes them dangerous opponents. Cultists of this type have moderate chance of victory against a Jedi.
[edit] Other
[edit] Marksman
- Appearance: Man Wearing a Green Mask and Green War Suit, wielding an E-11 Blaster Rifle
- Lightsaber Style(s): N/A
- Force Technique(s): Push, Jump
- Description: A Cultist that chooses to focus not on Lightsaber Training, but Marksmanship coupled with slight Force Training. Often seen alone or in groups of 2, and, on rare occasions, in support of Duelists or Reborn. This is not recommended however, as it is a common practice to halt all blaster fire when there is a duel at hand for the possible, and not often risked, outcome of shooting one's companion rather than the target. Marksmen are quite accurate, however, even while using acrobatics (to which they've trained considerably in, even more to an extent than Force Masters). They can even dodge blaster fire and Sabers by simply moving their upper body out of the way (others can do the same, but not as extensively). Cultists of this type rely less on Push than their Force Master Counterparts, preferring their acrobatic ability. Since blaster fire can be defended and sent back by a Lightsaber with ease, Marksmen did not have a very viable chance of victory over a Jedi. Marksmen were rare. Few Cultists aspired to be one, the Force being a deadlier weapon than a blaster. Jaden Korr himself, who fought basically every type of Cultist there was, only faced them in Bast Castle on Vjun (to which he killed the bulk of the ones sent there).
[edit] Disciples of Ragnos
Cultists served as Tavion's defense force as she siphoned Dark Side energy from various worlds, like Yavin, Hoth, Byss, and many others. The only failed attempt was at Chandrila, where Jaden thwarted the Cultists and resealed the Jedi Tomb. After Tavion stole enough energy, she and her entire cult gathered at Korriban, in and around the Tomb of Ragnos. The Jedi intercepted them, and a massive battle ensued, the likes of which hadn't been seen since the Jedi Civil War four millenia ago. The Cultists and Reborn killed a great number of Jedi in this battle. They excelled at teamwork just as Desann's Reborn did, but this time, could also stand against Jedi on their own if need be. They were defeated in this battle when Tavion died and the scepter fell out of their hands.
[edit] Possible faiths
[edit] Light Side Ending
Jaden Korr enters the Tomb and confronts Tavion, when she's about to resurrect Ragnos. A fight follows, in which Jaden defeats Tavion. She then manages to release Marka Ragnos's spirit which then possesses her. Jaden confronts Ragnos, and after defeating him, destroys the sceptor and Ragnos exits Tavion's body (killing her), vowing to return. Since the sceptor was destroyed, all Cultists lose their powers and are apprehended, ending their threat.
[edit] Dark Side Ending
Jaden Korr enters the Tomb and confronts Tavion, when she's about to resurrect Ragnos. A fight follows, in which Jaden defeats Tavion. Jaden then kills Tavion, takes the scepter, defeats Kyle Katarn, and escapes aboard a hijacked Star Destroyer. Since the scepter was not destroyed, the Cultists would not have lost their powers, meaning they would still be at large, but stranded on Korriban since the Star Destroyer was hijacked.
Note: The canonical ending is unknown. Jaden is later featured helping Jan Ors, so it is speculated that Jaden remained on the Light Side, or that he turned to the Dark Side, but was converted back, so the ultimate fate of the Cultists is unknown.
[edit] See also
[edit] Sources
- Dark forces
- Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
- Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Wizards of the Coast Star Wars d20 Dark Forces supplement Part 6
Star Wars Jedi Knight computer and video games
Dark Forces • Jedi Knight • Mysteries of the Sith • Jedi Outcast • Jedi Academy |