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[edit] Etymology
I've blanked one of the links which has no information on this theonym (as far as I can see). Neither of the other would-be citations mentions Cyhiraeth as such, or a direct precursor. But the University of Wales site has the etymology of hiraeth – namely *sīr-axto- – to which it appears to my eye as though cy- has been prefixed. If this is the same prefix as that which gives cyhyd in Welsh, we would have a Proto-Celtic etymology of *Kom-sīr-axto-. (This does not, however, prove that there actually was a deity in the Proto-Celtic period of that name.) So what I'm saying is that I'm not convinced the cited sources actually support an etymology of *Kukk-ī-rājitā, which I would expect to produce Welsh ch rather than h from *kk, and Welsh d rather than th from *t, hence an incorrect form something like *Cychiraed. QuartierLatin1968 16:14, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
PS: For the record, my etymology would give Romano-British *Consiracto or perhaps *Cosiracto (not sure about the timing). *Cucciraeta could also be relied on to produce Welsh *Cychiraed, rather than Cyhiraeth. If any similar forms could actually be recovered from the epigraphic record, we'd have the problem solved. QuartierLatin1968 16:28, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Merging
I've merged this article with the one entitled Cyhyraeth for clarity. If you're the original author, please contact me to let me know if this is all right. --Kythereia 09:41, 4 January 2007 (UTC)