Czech phonetic transcription
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Czech phonetic trancription describes the methods of graphic recording of spoken languages which are used in the Czech linguistic literature. As the knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is relatively low, its use is limited. It is apllied especially in comparative phonetics and phonology.
Traditionally, the Czech alphabet is used by Czech linguists. The IPA is adopted for sounds which have no letters in the Czech alphabet, or some other letters are used.
Contents |
[edit] Phonetic transcription of the Czech language
The following table shows the list of sounds that occur in standard Czech pronunciation. It compares the IPA characters with the characters used in the traditional Czech transcription. Where more possibilities are given, the first letter is used in scientific literature, the other occurs in older essays or in handbooks for lay users.
IPA | Czech transcription |
Short vowels | |
a | a |
ɛ | e |
ɪ | i |
o/ɔ | o |
ʊ | u |
Long vowels | |
aː | a:, á |
ɛː | e:, é |
iː | i:, í |
oː/ɔː | o:, ó |
uː | u:, ú |
Diphthongs | |
aʊ̯̯ | au̯, au |
ɛʊ̯ | eu̯, eu |
oʊ̯/ɔʊ̯ | ou̯, ou |
Nasals | |
m | m |
ɱ | ɱ, μ |
n | n |
ɲ | ň |
ŋ | ŋ |
Plosives | |
p | p |
b | b |
t | t |
d | d |
c | ť |
ɟ | ď |
k | k |
g | g |
ʔ | ʔ, ’ |
Affricates | |
t͡s1 | c |
d͡z1 | ʒ, dz |
t͡ʃ1 | č |
d͡ʒ1 | ʒ̆, dž |
Fricatives | |
f | f |
v | v |
s | s |
z | z |
ʃ | š |
ʒ | ž |
x | x, ch |
ɣ | ɣ |
ɦ | h |
Trills | |
r | r |
r̝2 | ř |
r̝̊ | ř̭, ř |
Approximants | |
j | j |
l | l |
Syllabic consonants | |
r̩ | r̥ |
l̩ | l̥ |
m̩ | m̥ |
- 1Unofficial ligatures are sometimes used for affricates: ʦ, ʣ, ʧ, ʤ. The actual IPA version supports using of two separate letters which can be joined by a tiebar.
- 2The "long-leg R" ɼ is sometimes used to record voiced <ř> (unofficially). This character was withdrawn from the IPA and replaced by the "lower-case R" with the "up-tack" diacritic mark, which denotes "raised alveolar trill".
The graphemes <y> or <ý> are not used for the trancription of Czech. However, [dy], [dý], [ty], [dý], [ny] and [ný] are used in some dictionaries and handbooks to point out the fact that written <d>, <t> and <n> are not softened in foreing words:
- diktát [dy-] – read [dɪktaːt], not [ɟɪktaːt]
[edit] Phonetic transcription of the English language
The following table shows the list of letters commonly used in English-Czech dictionaries. This transcription is traditional, but the IPA is also used in some dictionares and textbooks in the recent years.
IPA | Czech transcription |
Short vowels | |
ʌ | a |
æ | æ |
e | e |
ɪ | i |
ɒ | o |
ʊ | u |
ə | ə |
Long vowels | |
ɑː | a: |
ɜː | ə: |
iː | i: |
ɔː | o: |
uː | u: |
Diphthongs | |
aʊ̯̯ | au |
əʊ̯ | ou |
aɪ̯ | ai |
eɪ̯ | ei |
ɔɪ̯ | oi |
ɪə̯ | iə |
eə̯ | eə |
ʊə̯ | uə |
Nasals | |
m | m |
n | n |
ŋ | ŋ |
Plosives | |
p | p |
b | b |
t | t |
d | d |
k | k |
g | g |
Affricates | |
t͡ʃ | č |
d͡ʒ | dž |
Fricatives | |
f | f |
v | v |
θ | θ |
ð | ð |
s | s |
z | z |
ʃ | š |
ʒ | ž |
h | h |
Approximants | |
w | w |
j | j |
ɹ | r |
l | l |
[edit] References
- Šiška Z. Fonetika a fonologie. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2. vyd., Olomouc 2005. ISBN 80-244-1044-3.
- Duběda T. Jazyky a jejich zvuky. Univerzálie a typologie ve fonetice a fonologii. Karolinum, Praha 2005. ISBN 80-246-1073-6.
- Karlík P., Nekula M., Pleskalová J. (ed.). Encyklopedický slovník češtiny. Nakl. Lidové noviny. Praha 2002. ISBN 80-7106-484-X.
- Karlík P., Nekula M., Rusínová Z. (eds.) Příruční mluvnice češtiny. Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 1995. ISBN 80-7106-134-4.
- Fronek J. Velký anglicko-český slovník. Leda, Praha 2006. ISBN 80-7335-022-X.