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The result was ' + res + '. See [[Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/{{subst:PAGENAME}}]] for a record of the discussion. – ~~~~'; txt.focus(); } function vitajte(){ var reg = prompt("Reg?"); if(!reg) return; document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'Vitajte/Welcome '; var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1; if(txt.value.length > 0) txt.value += '\n'; txt.value += '{{Vitajte|redaktor=Palica|reg=reg' + reg + '}}'; txt.focus(); } function hidevfd(){ var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var x = 0; x < divs.length; ++x) if(divs[x].className.indexOf("vfd") != -1) divs[x].style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('footer').style.display = 'none'; } function showvfd(){ var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var x = 0; x < divs.length; ++x) if(divs[x].className.indexOf("vfd") != -1) divs[x].style.display = ""; document.getElementById('footer').style.display = ''; } function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id){ var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; = id; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(na); tabs.appendChild(li); return li; } function addPurge(){ ta['ca-purge'] = new Array('g', 'Purge the internal cache for this page'); if(!document.getElementById) return; var x = document.getElementById('ca-history'); var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; if(!x) return; if(x.children) x = x.children[0]; else x = x.childNodes[0]; addlilink(tabs, x.href.replace(/=history/, "=purge"), 'purgar', 'ca-purge'); } function addDiff(){ ta['ca-diff'] = new Array('d', 'Show last diff'); if(!document.getElementById) return; var x = document.getElementById('ca-history'); var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; if(!x) return; if(x.children) x = x.children[0]; else x = x.childNodes[0]; addlilink(tabs, x.href.replace(/action=history/, "diff=0"), 'diff', 'ca-diff'); } function addEditSection0(){ ta['ca-edit-0'] = new Array ('0', 'Edit the zeroth section of this page'); if(!document.getElementById) return; var x = document.getElementById('ca-edit'); if(!x) return; var y = document.createElement('LI'); = 'ca-edit-0'; if(x.className == 'selected'){ if(/&action=edit§ion=0$/.test(window.location.href)){ x.className = 'istalk'; y.className = 'selected'; } else { x.className = 'selected istalk'; } } else if(x.className == 'selected istalk'){ if(/&action=edit§ion=0$/.test(window.location.href)){ x.className = 'istalk'; y.className = 'selected istalk'; } else { y.className = 'istalk'; } } else { y.className = x.className; x.className = 'istalk'; } var z = document.createElement('A'); if(x.children){ z.href = x.children[0].href + '§ion=0'; z.appendChild(document.createTextNode('0')); y.appendChild(z); document.getElementById('p-cactions').children[1].insertBefore(y,x.nextSibling); }else{ z.href = x.childNodes[0].href + '§ion=0'; z.appendChild(document.createTextNode('0')); y.appendChild(z); document.getElementById('p-cactions').childNodes[3].insertBefore(y,x.nextSibling); } } function changeLinks(){ // if(!document.getElementById) return; // document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Talk'; // document.getElementById('pt-preferences').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Preferences'; // document.getElementById('pt-watchlist').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Watchlist'; // document.getElementById('pt-mycontris').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Contributions'; // document.getElementById('pt-logout').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Log out'; // if(document.getElementById('ca-talk')) // document.getElementById('ca-talk').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Talk'; // if(document.getElementById('ca-edit')) // document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Edit'; // if(document.getElementById('ca-nstab-wp')) // document.getElementById('ca-nstab-wp').firstChild.innerHTML = 'About'; } function addForceSummary(){ if(!/&action=edit/.test(window.location.href)) return; if(/§ion=new/.test(window.location.href)) return; if(!document.forms.editform) return; document.forms.editform.wpSave.onclick = forceSummary; } function forceSummary(){ if(!document.forms.editform.wpSummary.value.replace(/^(\/\*.*\*\/)? 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