Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Následující informace pocházejí z Wikimedia Commons:
"Hi Graham!
No I didn't know that it was up there.... trying to see who actually wrote the entry, but I can't figure it out..... Anyway, I guess it's quite a compliment to have someone put it up there & I'm OK with that!! So I'm fine with the license thing, however that works... Blessings,
Graham Burnett wrote:
>Hi Aranya- just though you might be interested to know that I spotted one of >your mind maps used on wikipedia earlier today >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map - I'm assuming you'll be pleased to >see it there, but was wondering if you'd be into giving permission for it to >be used under the gnu-fdl licesne? I also added a scan of one of my own >rough mind maps as a contrast! > >Cheers Graham"
[edit] Licensing
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