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Himalaya from the International Space Station. In addition to looking heavenward, NASA helps the world see the Earth in ways no one else can. Astronauts on board the International Space Station recently took advantage of their unique vantage point to photograph the Himalayas, looking south from over the Tibetan Plateau. The perspective is illustrated by the summits of Makalu [left (8,462 metres; 27,765 feet)], Everest [middle (8,848 metres; 29,035 feet)] , Lhotse [middle (8,516 metres; 27,939 feet)] and Cho Oyu [right (8,201 metres; 26,906 feet)] -- at the heights typically flown by commercial aircraft. Deutsch: Der Himalaya von oben gesehen
Suomi: Himalaja kansainväliseltä avaruusasemalta kuvattuna
日本語: 国際宇宙ステーションから撮影したヒマラヤ山脈。チベット高原から南方を見た時の図。エベレストが中央付近に見える。
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for September 16, 2005. It was captioned as followed:
English: Himalaya from the International Space Station.
Français : Le plateau du Tibet (premier plan) et l'Himalaya depuis la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS)
Aragonés: Himalaya dende a Estazión Espazial Internazional.
Brezhoneg : Pladenn Tibet (war an araog) hag an Himalaya gwelet eus ar (Savlec'h Egorel Etrebroadel (ISS)
Česky: Snímek Himalájí pořízený z Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice.
Cymraeg: Mynyddoedd yr Himalayas, o'r Stesion Gofod Rhwngwladol.
English: Himalaya from the International Space Station.
Français : Le plateau du Tibet (premier plan) et l'Himalaya depuis la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS)
Galego: O Himalaia dende a Estación Espacial Internacional.
日本語: 国際宇宙ステーションからのヒマラヤ山脈
Latina: Imaus a Statione Siderali Internationali visus.
Nederlands: Himalaya gezien vanuit het International Space Station.
Norsk (nynorsk): Himalaya sett frå den internasjonale romstasjonen.
Polski: Himalaje widziane z Międzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej
Português: Fotografia dos Himalaias a partir da Estação Espacial Internacional.
Slovenčina: Záber Himalájí z Mezinárodnej vesmírnej stanice (ISS).
Slovenščina: Pogled na Himalajo z Mednarodne vesoljske postaje (ISS)
ไทย: เทือกเขาหิมาลัยในมุมมองจากสถานีอวกาศนานาชาติ
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