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[edit] Summary
EN: One interpretation for Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology.
FI: Eräs malli Skandinaavisen muinaisuskon Yhdeksän Maailman järjestäytymisestä.
Source: www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/img/02800.jpg
Reason for PD: From http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/stacstat.htm: "There is more than sufficient evidence online to validate the claim that the work "The Secret Teachings of All Ages," published in 1928, is currently in the public domain. This is based on the legal requirement that a work published during the period 1923-1963 (inclusive) had to be renewed at the US Copyright Office in the 28th year. In practice, the renewals for books published in 1928 were published in 1955 through 1957."
[edit] Licensing
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