Wikipedista diskuse:Thijs!bot
Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Eh? What is this?
Looks like article blanking.
Bug in the bot?
-- Singularita 23:10, 1. 12. 2006 (UTC)
[editovat] Minas Ithil
Hey ? What's this ? Minas Ithil and Minas Morgul are two names (from different times) for same tower. -- Hkmaly 10:15, 18. 12. 2006 (UTC)
Probably the pt:Minas Morgul and pt:Minas Ithil caused that ... -- Hkmaly 10:21, 18. 12. 2006 (UTC)
[editovat] Alpský val
Italian "Vallo Alpino" from 1930 - 1942 year is not the same as a nonexistent propagandistic German "Alpenfestung" from 1945 year. Please do not edit again by adding the wrong links to Alpenfestung and National Redoubt.