Dactyl (poetry)
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A dactyl (Gr. δάκτυλος dáktulos, “finger”) is an element of meter in poetry. In quantitative verse, such as Greek or Latin, a dactyl is a long syllable followed by two short syllables, as determined by syllable weight. The word "strawberry" is a dactyl, as is the word "poetry," as pointed out in the New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Will Shortz, ed.) for May 31, 2006.
A useful mnemonic for remembering this long-short-short pattern is to consider the relative lengths of the three bones of a human finger: beginning at the knuckle, it is one long bone followed by two shorter ones. In accentual verse, such as English, it is a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables -- the opposite, that is, of the anapest (two unstressed followed by a stressed syllable).
An example of dactylic meter is the first line of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem Evangeline, which is in dactylic hexameter:
- This is the / forest prim- / eval. The / murmuring / pines and the / hemlocks,
The first five feet of the line are dactyls; the sixth a trochee.
A modern example is the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds":
- Picture your self in a boat on a river with
- tangerine tree-ees and marmalade skii-ii-es.
Written in dactylic tetrameter, the song has the rhythm of a waltz. The word "skies" takes up a full three beats. Dactyls are the metrical foot of Greek elegiac poetry, which followed a line of dactylic hexameter with dactylic pentameter.