Talk:Daimon Hellstrom
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So, why did the name change happen? Was it a typo that just somehow made it to print or soemthing?
- In an early issue (#1, IIRC) of the Hellstorm series, Daimon finds that the guy who installed the nameplate on his door mispelled "Hellstrom" as "Hellstorm." At first he was going to have it changed, but on second thought decided he liked the sound of "Daimon Hellstorm" better than "Daimon Hellstrom." Of course, he was calling himself Hellstorm prior to this, in his post-Son of Satan costumed identity (which was also one of the most ridiculous costume designs Marvel ever conceived of IMO).--Robbstrd 20:09, 7 August 2006 (UTC)