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Damping is any effect, either deliberately engendered or inherent to a system, that tends to reduce the amplitude of oscillations of an oscillatory system.
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[edit] Explanation
In physics and engineering, damping is mathematically modelled as a force with magnitude proportional to that of the velocity of the object but opposite in direction to it. Thus, for a simple mechanical damper, the force F is related to the velocity v by
- where c is the damping coefficiant, given in units of Newton-seconds per meter.
This relationship is perfectly analogous to electrical resistance. See Ohm's law.
This force is an approximation to the friction caused by drag.
In playing stringed instruments such as guitar or violin, damping is the quieting or abrupt silencing of the strings after they have been sounded, by pressing with the edge of the palm, or other parts of the hand such as the fingers on one or more strings near the bridge of the instrument. The strings themselves can be modelled as a continuum of infinitesimally small mass-spring-damper systems where the damping constant is much smaller than the resonant frequency, creating damped oscillations (see below). See also Vibrating string.
[edit] Example: mass-spring-damper
An ideal mass-spring-damper system with mass m (in kilograms), spring constant k (in Newtons per meter) and damper constant c (in Newton-seconds per meter) can be described with the following formula:
Treating the mass as a free body and applying Newton's second law, we have:
where a is the acceleration (in meters per second2) of the mass and x is the displacement (in meters) of the mass relative to a fixed point of reference.
[edit] Differential equation
The above equations combine to form the equation of motion, a second-order differential equation for displacement x as a function of time t (in seconds):
Rearranging, we have
Next, to simplify the equation, we define the following parameters:
The first parameter, ω0, is called the (undamped) natural frequency of the system . The second, ζ, is called the damping ratio. The natural frequency represents an angular frequency, expressed in radians per second. The damping ratio is a dimensionless quantity.
The differential equation now becomes
Continuing, we can solve the equation by assuming
where the parameter is, in general, a complex number.
Substituting this assumed solution back into the differential equation, we obtain
Solving for γ, we find:
[edit] System behavior
The behavior of the system depends on the relative values of the two fundamental parameters, the natural frequency ω0 and the damping ratio ζ. In particular, the qualitative behavior of the system depends crucially on whether the quadratic equation for γ has one real solution, two real solutions, or two complex conjugate solutions.
[edit] Critical damping
When ζ = 1, (defined above) is real and the system is critically damped. An example of critical damping is the door-closer seen on many hinged doors in public buildings.
[edit] Over-damping
When ζ > 1, is still real, but now the system is said to be over-damped. An overdamped door-closer will take longer to close the door than a critically damped door closer.
[edit] Under-damping
Finally, when ζ < 1, is complex, and the system is under-damped. In this situation, the system will oscillate at the damped frequency
, which is a function of the natural frequency and the damping ratio.
[edit] Solution
In the underdamped case, the solution can be generally written as:
represents the damped frequency of the system, and A and φ are determined by the initial conditions of the system (usually the initial position and velocity of the mass).
In the critically damped case, the solution takes the form
where A and B are again determined by the initial conditions.
[edit] See also
- Damping ratio
- Damping factor
- RLC circuit
- Oscillator
- Harmonic oscillator
- Simple harmonic motion
- Resonance
- Audio system measurements
- Bridging attenuation
- Matching attenuation
- Tuned mass damper