Daniel Knop
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Daniel Knop (born 1957) is a specialised German journalist in the fields of marine aquariology and marine biology. Originally coming from the field of natural medicine where he has authored a number of reference books and patient advisors, since 1986 he concentrates on marine organisms, mainly as a book author, underwater photographer and translator. He has authored 16 books of different subjects (more than 50 printings, translated to seven other languages), and he is chief editor of the magazine KORALLE which is released in German, Italian and English language (CORALLI, CORAL).
Daniel Knop promotes the protection of natural reef biotopes, primarily as a consultant for setting up coral farms following a concept he has developed in 1994 and which has led to several projects in Indonesia and in the Philippines. It primarily focuses on asexual propagation of corals in the coastal area, using methods developed in the marine aquarium hobby. These farm projects aim on producing corals for reef rehabilitation projects, aquarium market and other uses like science or pharmacy. One of the characteristics of this concept is the involvement of the native fisher population to the process of producing corals in order to give alternative livelihood which can help reducing the fishing pressure from endangered reefs. Sales of farmed corals to the aquarium market not only finance the farm projects but also reduce wild harvesting of corals for the aquarium trade. he smells
[edit] Book titles
- Giant Clams – A Comprehensive Guide to Identification and Care of Tridacnid Clams, ISBN 3-921684-23-4
- The Successful Reef Aquarium, ISBN 3-921684-47-1
- Corals - Indo Pacific Field Guide (co-authored by Dr. Harry Erhardt), ISBN 3-925919-69-4
- Notfallmedizin für die Naturheilpraxis, ISBN 3-925367-94-2
- Selbstbehandlung durch Akupressur, ISBN 3-85068-209-9
- Selbstbehandlung von Kopfschmerzen, ISBN 3-85068-234-X
- Ratgeber zur Selbstmedikation, ISBN 3-925367-59-4
- Von Pest bis Aids – Die Infektionskrankheiten und ihre Geschichte, ISBN 3-925367-48-9
- Das Seniorenbuch – Ein Ratgeber für ältere Mitbürger, ISBN 3-925367-40-3
- Der Vetter-Ofen, ISBN 3-923478-27-5
- Aquarienbeleuchtung, ISBN 3-921684-63-3
- Riffaquarien – Aquarienporträts aus aller Welt, ISBN 3-935175-05-1
- Aquarienfotos – Tips und Tricks, ISBN 3-921684-57-9
- Steinkorallen im Aquarium (Vol. 1), ISBN 3-931587-70-3
- Steinkorallen im Aquarium (Vol. 2), ISBN 3-931587-71-1
- Nano-Riffaquarien, ISBN 3-931587-78-9