Talk:Dan dan noodles
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The chinese characters given are 担担麵. Now 担 is 'dan' and 麵 is 'noodles'/'mein' but (though I am hardly an expert) I thought that 担 was simplified and that 麵 was traditional.
So I would expect 担担面 (simplified) or 擔擔麵 (traditional). Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.
google counts as of July 2006:
担担面 168,000 (both simplified)
担担麵 56,300 (simplified/traditional, as currently in article)
擔擔面 170,000 (traditional/simplified)
擔擔麵 227,000 (both traditional)
So not only is 担担麵 the least common combination (according to google) but the actual hits returned show 担担面. (At least for the first two pages. There is a 担担麵 returned on the top of page 3.)