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Darshan is a Sanskrit (also used to some extent in Urdu) term meaning "sight" (in the sense of an instance of seeing something or somebody), vision, apparition, or glimpse. It is most commonly used for "visions of the divine," i.e. of a god or a very holy person or artifact. One could receive "darshan" of the deity in the temple or from a great saintly person, such as a great guru (see also: charisma).
- In India people will sometimes travel hundreds of kilometres for the darshan ("the look") of a holy man or woman because this look is said to confer blessings. Conversely, looks of anger or envy are widely feared (see also: Evil eye).
- Darshan is derived from the root drsh ("to see"; compare Greek derkomai). Darshan means "to see with reverence and devotion." The term is used specifically for beholding highly revered people with the intention of inwardly contacting and receiving their grace and blessings. "By doing darshan properly a devotee develops affection for God, and God develops affection for that devotee."[1]
- In Indian culture, the touching of the feet (pranām or charaņasparsh) is a show of respect and it is often an integral part of darshan. Children do touch the feet of their family elders while people of all ages will bend to touch the feet of a great guru or the Murti icon of a Deva (God) (such as Rama or Krishna). [2]
- Vedanta darshan is also the philosophy of life as revealed in the Upanishads
[edit] References
[edit] Bibliography
- Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend (ISBN 0-500-51088-1) by Anna Dallapiccola
- Eck, Diana Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India (1981). Columbia University Press 1998 paperback: ISBN 0-231-11265-3