Talk:Dark metal
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In reality dark metal is just a term for bands who claim to be black metal but really aren't (Dimmu Borgir, Limbonic Art, etc.). Pasajero 16:10, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
I wouldn't call Dimmu Dark Metal, got too much of that "Extreme Symphonic" thing going on. But yeah, I agree with the view that Dark Metal is just bands that sound like Black Metal, but don't have all the other stuff that fits around the genre, sometimes not even trying to. Dace59 16:37, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
Which is why when categorizing things, one encounters logical problems. But, its good for excersizing your musical ear. I want to say that theres a sentence in the article wher eit says its a "sophisticated" type of metal within Metal, and thats completely subjective and should be re-written, mainly because the word sophisticated is probably used to mean something it doesnt mean. Does it mean to tell me Dark Metal is sophisticated, while the sound and structure of bands like Skylark, heck, even Slayer, isnt sophisticated? Mailrobot 22:06, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
It's a stupid term, it doesnt define anything, it's unnecesary. Only for some who doesnt like Dimmu or Cradle is this term.Gee.
- Well, there's nearly 500 bands tagged on Metal Archives as being Dark Metal, over 7000 matches on Last FM, with 537 for just ther term Dark Metal and around 700,000 google hits for "Dark Metal", so that's why it's been included, it's probably passed the critical mass test. Maybe no the best article, but you have the option of adding to it or trying to get it removed if you want. Dace59 18:52, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
- I didn't realize until just now that (question 18) covers this subject. Pasajero 20:48, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
- I agree. It seems like another one of those metal categories someone cooked up because they felt their favourite band didn't belong in any of the pre-existing subgenres. A pointless categorization. - Quirk 16:25, 14 October 2006 (UTC)