User:Darth Belxul
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Darth Belxul
[edit] My Report
Ha, ha, ha, ha. The Jedi have no clue what they are getting into. They see themselves as all knowing and all powerful. They are not. If they were they would see their mistake. The Grand Master of the Jedi Order has got his head up his butt. He doesn't even realize how close the Jedi are to collapsing.
[edit] My Master
My Master, Darth Lamadu, taught me a great deal about the Jedi and how they have allowed themselves to be blinded to what is really going on. Thousands of years ago, a great Sith Lord by the name of Sidious conquered the Jedi, destroying almost the entire Order. Somehow his own apprentice, Vader, killed him and allowed the Jedi to be born again. Treachery is the way of the Sith. My master said this as I plunged my crimson blade deep in to his chest, burning a hole through his heart. Now, over 3000 years later, the Sith will rise again. The Jedi do not even know what power really is. I will be happy to show them.