Dennis Bernstein
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Dennis Bernstein is an American left-wing writer, broadcast journalist, and activist who is notably critical of the policies of the Israeli government vis-a-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is the producer and host of Flashpoints,[1] a daily investigative news program, on radio station KPFA-FM in Berkeley, California (part of the Pacifica network).
Bernstein was arrested on July 13, 1999, after airing a report on internal issues (the possible sale of the KPFA radio station) on his Flashpoints program. He was escorted out of the station by armed guards as KPFA news director Mark Mericle described the struggle live on-air to stunned listeners. Shortly thereafter, Pacifica management interrupted the news broadcast, locked out all station staff, and aired tapes from archived shows.
Bernstein's essays and writing have appeared in magazines and other publications such as The New York Times, Boston Globe, London Observer, Utne Reader, and Mother Jones. He has also authored several books and poems as well as a musical, and has given lectures and workshops throughout the United States.
[edit] External links
- Dennis Bernstein
- [ Flashpoints archive: report of break-in ~54:30 (last accessed 6/5/06 9:30 p.m. PST)
- "Nation's Oldest Public Station Under Arrest", by Dennis Bernstein
- "Free Speech For Sale", Cynthia Cotts, The Village Voice
Stations: KPFA • KPFK • WBAI • KPFT • WPFW • Pacifica Radio Affiliates
Programs: Democracy Now! • Free Speech Radio News
People: (Current): Amy Goodman • Juan Gonzalez • Larry Bensky • Dennis Bernstein • Deepa Fernandes
(Historical): Lewis Hill • William Mandel • Elsa Knight Thompson • Dorothy Healey • Alan Watts • Bob Fass • Marc Cooper
Other: Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation