Dimitrios Buhalis
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Dr Dimitrios Buhalis [1]is Programme Leader of the MSc in eTourism [[2]] and MSc in Tourism Marketing [[3], Leader of eTourism Research, Reader in Business Information Management at the School of Management [4], University of Surrey [5]and elected member of the University Senate (2003-2007). Until September he was also Course Leader, MSc in eTourism and Director of the Centre for eTourism Research (CeTR). Dimitrios is also Adjunct Professor at the MBA in Hospitality Management at the IMHI (Cornell University-Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales ESSEC) in Paris and Professor Associado at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has been teaching tourism related subjects in more than 30 Universities around the world. He is regarded as an expert in the impacts of ICTs in the tourism industry and eTourism, the management of tourism distribution channels as well as strategic tourism marketing and management. Dimitrios has been involved with a number of European Commission FP5 and FP6 projects and regularly advises the World Tourism Organisation, the World Tourism and Travel Council [6]and the European Commission in the field of information technology and tourism. Dimitrios is still an active tourism practitioner, listing the positions of Marketing Manager and web master for his family Hotel Segas and non-Executive Director of yourholidays.com online travel agency in his activities.
He has written or co-edited a total of 10 books, including two books on the Future of Tourism, namely: Tourism Business Frontiers [7] , Tourism Management Dynamics [8] published by Butterworth-Heinemann as well as eTourism: Strategic Information Technology for Tourism published by Pearson (Prentice Hall/Financial Times)[9] and Tourism Distribution Channels (Thomson)[10] , Managing alliances in the global hospitality and tourism industry as well as a series of three books on IT and Tourism. He has also published more than 80 articles in scholarly journals, books, conference proceedings and consultancy reports. He served as Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the ENTER'98, 99, and 2000 conferences on Tourism and Information Technology, as well as ENTER Destinations Chair for 2002 and ENTER Overall Chair in 2003.