Diplomacy Monitor
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Diplomacy Monitor is an internet-based tool to monitor diplomacy documents (communiques, official statements, interview transcripts, etc.) published in various diplomacy related websites, including official sources from governments (head of state websites, consulates, foreign ministries, etc.) all over the world. It is maintained by the St. Thomas University (Miami, Florida, USA) School of Law. Its services are free.
The Diplomacy Monitor addresses the emerging Internet-based public diplomacy, whereby the growing number of governments embraces the power of internet to communicate with public worldwide.
The core of the Monitor is a web crawler which operates on the websites of interest. After the crawler identifies documents of potential interest, they are reviewed and processed by the editorial staff and entered into the database. The important ones are often become listed within minutes after their original posting.
The Monitor may conduct full-text Boolean searching within diplomatic and trade documents issued in the past 90 days.
Since its establishment, Diplomacy Monitor was quickly recognized as a convenient tool for research in international issues. For example, the Monitor is the "editor's choice" for the Intute, an online database network of UK universities [1]. Michigan State University: "If you need to stay up-to-date on the latest in diplomatic news, look no further..." [2]