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[edit] Some contributions
Hi, I am a spanish wikipedist and after being working on the spanish version I have some contributions to this one. Please, be understanding with my poor English and help me to do it correctly. Thank you. Bedwyr 15:09, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] More version history
Can the version history be expanded? I'm quite sure it didn't start at version 8.
My two cent is that it's better to not go down to the origins. I think it really began to be useful from 8 (maybe 7) but previous versions never cought my attention. I would rather see this page integrated nicely, I personally don't care if it covers the old techs. 16:02, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
Direct3D's origins matter, they should be mentioned. e.g. in this article Criticism_of_Microsoft#Acquisitions they mention Direct3D as originally not a Microsoft thing. That would be one quite important thing to write about.. 15:56, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
- Even if it was not initially created by MS, it has been given a new shape by MS (inclusion of programmable shaders, for instance) whch radically affected the gaming scenario. The present versions of dx have changed so much that it hardly retains it legacy. --soUmyaSch 05:47, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
- Even if the information is not particularly interesting to some, it IS very closely related to the topic at hand and may in fact actually be useful to someone. At the very least, an overview of what major features are in each revision of Direct3D would be useful. --Random pseudo-anonymous user
[edit] Direct 3D 10
The D3D 10 sections requires some cleanup. It badly lacks a good flow, and lines like it's most definitely not DX10 should be avoided. The line states What's currently referred to as DX10 is really WGF 2.0 atop Advanced VDDM drivers running on post-Vista hardware. WGF 1.0 (atop either flavor of VDDM), as shipping with Vista, is referred to by MS as DX9.L -- it's most definitely not DX10. If DX10 IS WGF 2.0 and WGF 1.0 is DX 9L, where is the confusion that the shipping version of WGF will be DX10? It should either be confirmed with a reference to MS document or reworded to be fully speculative, removing the contradicting claims. --soUmyaSch 16:55, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To do
- Discussion of the D3D 10 graphics pipeline.
--soUmyaSch 08:12, 15 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] DirectX 10 w/ XP?
For the holiday's i'm planning to upgrade my computer. Rather than buy the last great DirectX 9 card. I'm going to buy a DirectX 10 card. But since Vista wont ship until January, will I be able to use the card on a Windows XP system? (I wont be using Windows XP for long considering i'm planning to get Vista the day it ships or close to it)
- You will be able to use it, it just won't provide the DirectX 10 render path. It will work fine with D3D9. --soumসৌমোyasch 10:31, 15 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Direct3D 10 and shaders
The article states: "Fixed pipelines[2] are being done away with in favor of fully programmable pipelines (often referred to as unified pipeline architecture), which can be programmed to emulate the same. "
I'd like to note here that programmable pipelines are not the same as a unified architecture. While fully programmable pipelines are a prerequisite for Direct3D10, I don't believe that a unified architecture is a part of Direct3D 10. If I remember correctly, unified architexture just means that there is no longer a distinction between vertex/pixel shaders anymore on the hardware. However, I'm not entirely sure of this so someone with a better knowledge of this might want to comment. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 10:55, 20 December 2006 (UTC).
[edit] DX10 Instancing 2.0
This is the feature about DX10 that I found most exciting (being able to render an entire army for the processing costs of one unit is far more obvious a benefit than 4.0 Shaders to me), however it's not mentioned in the features list. I found out about it (and other DX10) features from here: , with the specific info on Instancing on Page 6 I'm adding a brief mention under the feature checklist. 12:17, 26 December 2006 (UTC)