Distinguished Service Medal (United States)
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The Distinguished Service Medal is a high level military and civilian decoration of the United States of America which is issued for meritorious service to the government of the United States in either a senior government service position or as a senior officer of the United States armed forces. There is also the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service which is the highest medal that can be awarded to a career government employee.
The Distinguished Service Medal is issued both as a military decoration and civilian award. The following versions (awarded by the agency or department head) of the Distinguished Service Medal are currently issued by the United States government:
[edit] Military
- Defense Distinguished Service Medal
- Army Distinguished Service Medal
- Navy Distinguished Service Medal
- Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
- Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medal
[edit] Civilian
- NASA Distinguished Service Medal
- Department of Transportation Distinguished Service Medal
- Homeland Security Distinguished Service Medal
- Navy Civilian Distinguished Service Medal
- Air Force Civilian Distinguished Service Medal
- National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency Distinguished Service Medal
- Defense Commissary Agency Distinguished Service Medal
- Justice Department Distinguished Service Medal
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Distinguished Service Medal
- ATF Distinguished Service Medal
- Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal