Talk:Doc Samson
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[edit] Similar characters?
I'm just curious if there are any other superhero psychologists/psycahaitrists out there; it seems like a great idea in general given the amount of disorders and neuroses one associates with modern superheros; I therefore find it kind of disappointing that Samson's main powers have to with with sheer strength as opposed to something more appropriate like, say, ESP. Anyway, just wondering...--Lenoxus 03:15, 20 January 2007 (UTC)
- But a psychiatrist with psychic abilities doesn't really have to do all the work that a psychiatrist needs to do to gain insight; they can glean at least some of the information they need directly from a patient's thoughts. A "psychic psychiatrist" simply wouldn't be as interesting; conversely, someone with significant physical ability who also has notable levels of education and sophistication is far more interesting than yet another big dumb guy who hits things.
- As for other super-characters who are psychiatrists--Moonstone isn't really a hero by anyone's definition, but she is a superhuman who is also a trained (and licensed, prior to her criminal career) analyst. She represents the profession gone wrong--i.e., the evils that someone who is trained to analyze and manipulate the human psyche could do if they are amoral and self-serving. She has actually been shown to have subtlely maintained and/or exacerbated others' mental troubles, sometimes simply to ensure that they will continue to supply her with income, other times simply for her own entertainment. -- Pennyforth 09:17, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
- Ah, I suppose you're right (in the first paragraph). I guess I'm not so much thinking of the profession as a general wizard/wise person thing, which is obviously a conversation for another day. In the meantime, I'll think of ways to incorporate Moonstone into this article...--Lenoxus 03:58, 23 January 2007 (UTC)