DOM Events
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DOM Events allow event-driven programming languages like JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript, VBScript and Java to register various event handlers/listeners on the element nodes inside a DOM tree, e.g. HTML, XHTML, XUL and SVG documents. DOM is an acronym for the Document Object Model.
Historically, like DOM, the event models used by various web browsers had some significant differences. This caused compatibility problems. Fortunately the event model was standardized by the W3C in DOM Level 2.
Contents |
[edit] Events
[edit] HTML events
[edit] Common/W3C events
There is a huge collection of events that can be generated by most element nodes:
- Mouse events
- Keyboard events
- HTML frame/object events
- HTML form events
- User interface events
- Mutation events (notification of any changes to the structure of a document)
Note that the event classification above is not exactly the same as W3C's classification.
Category | Type | Attribute | Description | Bubbles | Cancelable |
Mouse | click | onclick | Fires when the pointing device button is clicked over an element. A click is defined as a mousedown and mouseup over the same screen location. The sequence of these events is:
Yes | Yes |
dblclick | ondblclick | Fires when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element | Yes | Yes | |
mousedown | onmousedown | Fires when the pointing device button is pressed over an element | Yes | Yes | |
mouseup | onmouseup | Fires when the pointing device button is released over an element | Yes | Yes | |
mouseover | onmouseover | Fires when the pointing device is moved onto an element | Yes | Yes | |
mousemove | onmousemove | Fires when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element | Yes | No | |
mouseout | onmouseout | Fires when the pointing device is moved away from an element | Yes | Yes | |
Keyboard | keypress | onkeypress | Fires when a key on the keyboard is "clicked". A keypress is defined as a keydown and keyup on the same key. The sequence of these events is:
Yes | Yes |
keydown | onkeydown | Fires when a key on the keyboard is pressed | Yes | Yes | |
keyup | onkeyup | Fires when a key on the keyboard is released | Yes | Yes | |
HTML frame/object | load | onload | Fires when the user agent finishes loading all content within a document, including window, frames, objects and images | No | No |
unload | onunload | Fires when the user agent removes all content from a window or frame | No | No | |
abort | onabort | Fires when an object/image is stopped from loading before completely loaded | Yes | No | |
error | onerror | Fires when an object/image/frame cannot be loaded properly | Yes | No | |
resize | onresize | Fires when a document view is resized | Yes | No | |
scroll | onscroll | Fires when a document view is scrolled | Yes | No | |
HTML form | select | onselect | Fires when a user selects some text in a text field, including input and textarea | Yes | No |
change | onchange | Fires when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus | Yes | No | |
submit | onsubmit | Fires when a form is submitted | Yes | Yes | |
reset | onreset | Fires when a form is reset | Yes | No | |
focus | onfocus | Fires when an element receives focus either via the pointing device or by tab navigation | No | No | |
blur | onblur | Fires when an element loses focus either via the pointing device or by tabbing navigation | No | No | |
User interface | DOMFocusIn | ondomfocusin | Similar to HTML focus event, but can be applied to any focusable element | Yes | No |
DOMFocusOut | ondomfocusout | Similar to HTML blur event, but can be applied to any focusable element | Yes | No | |
DOMActivate | ondomactivate | Similar to XUL command event. Fires when an element is activated, for instance, through a mouse click or a keypress. | Yes | Yes | |
Mutation | DOMSubtreeModified | onsubtreemodified | Fire when the subtree is modified | Yes | No |
DOMNodeInserted | onnodeinserted | Fires when a node has been added as a child of another node | Yes | No | |
NodeInsertedIntoDocument | onnodeinsertedintodocument | Fires when a node is being inserted into a document | No | No | |
DOMAttrModified | onattrmodified | Fires when an attribute has been modified | Yes | No | |
DOMCharacterDataModified | oncharacterdatamodified | Fires when the character data has been modified | Yes | No |
Note that the events whose names start with “DOM” are currently not well supported. Mozilla and Opera support DOMAttrModified, DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeRemoved and DOMCharacterDataModified. Safari, as of version 1.3, also supports these methods.
[edit] Microsoft-specific events
Two major types of events are added by Microsoft and can only be used in Internet Explorer:
- Clipboard events
- Data binding events
Category | Type | Attribute | Description | Bubbles | Cancelable |
Clipboard | cut | oncut | Fires after a selection is cut to the clipboard. | Yes | Yes |
copy | oncopy | Fires after a selection is copied to the clipboard. | Yes | Yes | |
paste | onpaste | Fires after a selection is pasted from the clipboard. | Yes | Yes | |
beforecut | onbeforecut | Fires before a selection is cut to the clipboard. | Yes | Yes | |
beforecopy | onbeforecopy | Fires before a selection is copied to the clipboard. | Yes | Yes | |
beforepaste | onbeforepaste | Fires before a selection is pasted from the clipboard. | Yes | Yes | |
Data binding | afterupdate | onafterupdate | Fires immediately after a databound object has been updated. | Yes | No |
beforeupdate | onbeforeupdate | Fires before a data source is updated. | Yes | Yes | |
cellchange | oncellchange | Fires when a data source has changed. | Yes | No | |
dataavailable | ondataavailable | Fires when new data from a data source become available. | Yes | No | |
datasetchanged | ondatasetchanged | Fires when content at a data source has changed. | Yes | No | |
datasetcomplete | ondatasetcomplete | Fires when transfer of data from the data source has completed. | Yes | No | |
errorupdate | onerrorupdate | Fires if an error occurs while updating a data field. | Yes | No | |
rowenter | onrowenter | Fires when a new row of data from the data source is available. | Yes | No | |
rowexit | onrowexit | Fires when a row of data from the data source has just finished. | No | Yes | |
rowsdelete | onrowsdelete | Fires when a row of data from the data source is deleted. | Yes | No | |
rowinserted | onrowinserted | Fires when a row of data from the data source is inserted. | Yes | No | |
Mouse | contextmenu | oncontextmenu | Fires when the context menu is shown. | Yes | Yes |
drag | ondrag | Fires when during a mouse drag. | Yes | Yes | |
dragstart | ondragstart | Fires when a mouse drag begins. | Yes | Yes | |
dragenter | ondragenter | Fires when something is dragged onto an area. | Yes | Yes | |
dragover | ondragover | Fires when a drag is held over an area. | Yes | Yes | |
dragleave | ondragleave | Fires when something is dragged out of an area. | Yes | Yes | |
dragend | ondragend | Fires when a mouse drag ends. | Yes | Yes | |
drop | ondrop | Fires when a mouse button is released over a valid target during a drag. | Yes | Yes | |
Keyboard | help | onhelp | Fires when the user initiates help. | Yes | Yes |
HTML frame/object | beforeunload | onbeforeunload | Fires before a document is unloaded. | No | Yes |
stop | onstop | Fires when the user stops loading the object. (Same as abort event?) | No | No | |
HTML form | selectstart | onselectstart | Fires when the object is selected. | Yes | Yes |
beforeeditfocus | onbeforeeditfocus | Fires before an element gains focus for editing. | Yes | Yes | |
Marquee | start | onstart | Fires when a marquee begins a new loop. | No | No |
finish | onfinish | Fires when marquee looping is complete. | No | Yes | |
bounce | onbounce | Fires when a scrolling marquee bounces back in the other direction. | No | Yes | |
Miscellaneous | beforeprint | onbeforeprint | Fires before a document is printed | No | No |
afterprint | onafterprint | Fires immediately after the document prints. | No | No | |
propertychange | onpropertychange | Fires when the property of an object is changed. | No | No | |
filterchange | onfilterchange | Fires when a filter changes properties or finishes a transition. | No | No | |
readystatechange | onreadystatechange | Fires when the readyState property of an element changes. | No | No | |
lostcapture | onlostcapture | Fires when the releaseCapture method is invoked. | No | No |
Note that Mozilla, Safari and Opera also support readystatechange event for the XMLHttpRequest object. Mozilla also supports the beforeunload event using traditional event registration method (DOM Level 0). Mozilla and Safari also support contextmenu, but Internet Explorer for the Mac does not.
[edit] XUL events
In addition to the common/W3C events, Mozilla defined a set of events that work only with XUL elements.
Category | Type | Attribute | Description | Bubbles | Cancelable |
Mouse | DOMMouseScroll | DOMMouseScroll | Fires when the mouse wheel is moved, causing the content to scroll. | No | No |
dragdrop | ondragdrop | Fires when the user releases the mouse button to drop an object being dragged. | No | No | |
dragenter | ondragenter | Fires when the mouse pointer first moves over an element during a drag. It is similar to the mouseover event but occurs while dragging. | No | No | |
dragexit | ondragexit | Fires when the mouse pointer moves away from an element during a drag. It is also called after a drop on an element. It is similar to the mouseout event but occurs during a drag. | No | No | |
draggesture | ondraggesture | Fires when the user starts dragging the element, usually by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse. | No | No | |
dragover | ondragover | Related to the mousemove event, this event is fired while something is being dragged over an element. | No | No | |
Input | CheckboxStateChange | Fires when a checkbox is checked or unchecked, either by the user or a script. | No | No | |
RadioStateChange | Fires when a radio button is selected, either by the user or a script. | No | No | ||
close | onclose | Fires when a request has been made to close the window. | No | Yes | |
command | oncommand | Similar to W3C DOMActivate event. Fires when an element is activated, for instance, through a mouse click or a keypress. | No | No | |
input | oninput | Fires when a user enters text in a textbox. | No | No | |
User interface | DOMMenuItemActive | DOMMenuItemActive | Fires when a menu or menuitem is hovered over, or highlighted. | Yes | No |
DOMMenuItemInactive | DOMMenuItemInactive | Fires when a menu or menuitem is no longer being hovered over, or highlighted. | Yes | No | |
contextmenu | oncontextmenu | Fires when the user requests to open the context menu for the element. The action to do this varies by platform, but it will typically be a right click. | No | Yes | |
overflow | onoverflow | Fires a box or other layout element when there is not enough space to display it at full size. | No | No | |
overflowchanged | onoverflowchanged | Fires when the overflow state changes. | No | No | |
underflow | onunderflow | Fires to an element when there becomes enough space to display it at full size. | No | No | |
popuphidden | onpopuphidden | Fires to a popup after it has been hidden. | No | No | |
popuphiding | onpopuphiding | Fires to a popup when it is about to be hidden. | No | No | |
popupshowing | onpopupshowing | Fires to a popup just before it is popped open. | No | Yes | |
popupshown | onpopupshown | Fires to a popup after it has been opened, much like the onload event is sent to a window when it is opened. | No | No | |
Command | broadcast | onbroadcast | Placed on an observer. The broadcast event is sent when the attributes of the broadcaster being listened to are changed. | No | No |
commandupdate | oncommandupdate | Fires when a command update occurs. | No | No |
[edit] Other events
For Mozilla (and Opera 9), there is also an undocumented event known as "DOMContentLoaded", which fires when the DOM content is loaded. This is different from "load" as it fires before the loading of related files (e.g. image).
[edit] Event flow
Consider the situation when there are 2 elements nested together. Both have event handlers registered on the same event type, say "click". When the user clicks on the inner element, there are two possible ways to handle it:
- Trigger the elements from outer to inner (event capturing). This model is implemented in Netscape Navigator.
- Trigger the elements from inner to outer (event bubbling). This model is implemented in Internet Explorer and other browsers.
W3C takes a middle position in this struggle. Events are first captured until it reaches the target element, and then bubbled up. During the event flow, an event can be responded to at any element in the path (an observer) in either phase by causing an action, and/or by stopping the event (with method event.stopPropagation() for Mozilla and command event.cancelBubble = true for Internet Explorer), and/or by cancelling the default action for the event.
[edit] Event object
The Event object provides a lot of information about a particular event, including information about target element, key pressed, mouse button pressed, mouse position, etc. Unfortunately, there are very serious browser incompatibilities in this area. Hence only the W3C Event object is discussed in this article.
Type | Name | Description |
DOMString | type | The name of the event (case-insensitive). |
EventTarget | target | Used to indicate the EventTarget to which the event was originally dispatched. |
EventTarget | currentTarget | Used to indicate the EventTarget whose EventListeners are currently being processed. |
unsigned short | eventPhase | Used to indicate which phase of event flow is currently being evaluated. |
boolean | bubbles | Used to indicate whether or not an event is a bubbling event. |
boolean | cancelable | Used to indicate whether or not an event can have its default action prevented. |
DOMTimeStamp | timeStamp | Used to specify the time (in milliseconds relative to the epoch) at which the event was created. |
Name | Argument type | Argument name | Description |
stopPropagation | To prevent further propagation of an event during event flow. | ||
preventDefault | To cancel the event if it is cancalable, meaning that any default action normally taken by the implementation as a result of the event will not occur. | ||
initEvent | DOMString | eventTypeArg | Specifies the event type. |
boolean | canBubbleArg | Specifies whether or not the event can bubble. | |
boolean | cancelableArg | Specifies whether or not the event's default action can be prevented. |
[edit] Event handling models
[edit] DOM Level 0
This event handling model was introduced by Netscape Navigator, and remains the most cross-browser model as of 2005. There are two model types: inline model and traditional model.
[edit] Inline model
In the inline model, event handlers are added as attribute of element. Multiple eventhandlers can be added inline by seperating them with a semi-colon. Event handlers can also be removed:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function helloWorld( name ) { window.alert( "Hello " + name ); } function removeHandler(object) { object.onclick = null; } </script> </head> <body> <p>Hello <a href="" onclick="helloWorld('Joe'); removeHandler(this);">Joe</a>!</p> </body>
In the example above, an alert dialog box with the message "Hello Joe" will appear when the hyperlink is clicked and open URI in href attribute.
The default action can be cancelled by returning false in the event handler:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function helloWorld( name ) { window.alert( "Hello " + name ); } </script> </head> <body> <p>Stay <a href="" onclick="helloWorld('Joe'); return false;">here</a>!</p> </body>
In the example above, the browser will not go to "" when the hyperlink is clicked.
One common misconception with the inline model is the belief that it allows the registration of event handlers with custom arguments, e.g. name in the helloWorld function. While it may seem like that is the case in the example above, what is really happening is that the JavaScript engine of the browser creates an anonymous function containing the statements in the onclick attribute. The onclick handler of the element would be bound to the following anonymous function:
function() { helloWorld('Joe'); return false; }
This limitation of the JavaScript event model is usually overcome by assigning attributes to the function object of the event handler or by using closures.
[edit] Traditional model
In the traditional model, event handlers can be added/removed by scripts. Like the inline model, each event can only have one event handler registered. The event is added by assigning the handler name to the event property of the element object. To remove an event handler, simply set the property to null:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function helloWorld() { window.alert( "Hello World" ); } // Add an event handler window.onload = helloWorld; // Add another event handler document.onclick = helloWorld; // Remove the event handler just added document.onclick = null; </script> </head> <body> <p>Hello World!</p> </body>
To add parameters:
var name='Joe'; document.onclick = function(e) { alert('Hello '+ name +'!'); }
Inner functions preserve their scope.
[edit] DOM Level 2
The W3C designed a more flexible event handling model in DOM Level 2.
Name | Description | Argument type | Argument name |
addEventListener | Allows the registration of event listeners on the event target. | DOMString | type |
EventListener | listener | ||
boolean | useCapture | ||
removeEventListener | Allows the removal of event listeners from the event target. | DOMString | type |
EventListener | listener | ||
boolean | useCapture | ||
dispatchEvent | Allows the registration of event listeners on the event target. | Event | evt |
The main difference from the traditional model is that multiple event handlers can be registered for the same event. The useCapture option can also be used to specify that the handler should be called in the capture phase instead of the bubbling phase. This model is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Safari and Konqueror.
A rewrite of the example used in traditional model:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function helloWorld() { window.alert( "Hello World" ); } // Add an event handler window.addEventListener( "load", helloWorld, false ); // bubbling phase // Add another event handler document.addEventListener( "click", helloWorld, true ); // capture phase // Remove the event handler just added document.removeEventListener( "click", helloWorld, true ); </script> </head> <body> <p>Hello World!</p> </body>
[edit] Microsoft-specific model
Microsoft does not follow the W3C model, as their model was created prior to the ratification of the W3C standard.
Name | Description | Argument type | Argument name |
attachEvent | Similar to W3C's addEventListener method. | String | sEvent |
Pointer | fpNotify | ||
detachEvent | Similar to W3C's removeEventListener method. | String | sEvent |
Pointer | fpNotify |
While the model is almost idential to W3C's one, there are two important drawbacks:
- Events always bubble, no capturing possibility.
- The event handling function is referenced, not copied, so the this keyword refers to the window, rather than the element that triggered the event.
This model is only used in Internet Explorer.
A rewrite of the example used in traditional model:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function helloWorld() { window.alert( "Hello World" ); } // Add an event handler window.attachEvent( "onload", helloWorld ); // Add another event handler document.attachEvent( "onclick", helloWorld ); // Remove the event handler just added document.detachEvent( "onclick", helloWorld ); </script> </head> <body> <p>Hello World!</p> </body>
[edit] See also
- XML Events A syntactic binding to DOM Events
[edit] References
- Deitel, Harvey. (2002). Internet and World Wide Web: how to program (Second Edition). ISBN 0-13-030897-8
- XULPlanet. (2004). Event Handlers. Retrieved February 16, 2005.
- The Mozilla Organization. (2002). DOM Event Reference. Retrieved February 20, 2005.