Dongfang Shandian
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Dongfang Shandian (东方闪电, Oriental Lightning) is an emerging Chinese religious group started around 1990. Based on the teachings of Christianity, it is also know as Seven Spirits Sect (七灵派), Second Saviour Sect (二次救主派), New Power Lord's Church (新能力主教会), True Light Sect (真光派), and True Way Sect (真道派).
It believes that a woman self-styled "Lightning Deng" (邓闪电), from Zhengzhou, Henan is the second Christ. Her most widely distributed book, "Lightning from the Orient"《东方发出的闪电》is in first person and is supposedly the Words of God. The book claimed the first coming of Christ was to redeem humanity, while the second (her) is to conquer men's hearts and defeat Satan. Those who do not accept her words would die a terrible death or receive severe punishment.
Viewed as a cult by most churches in China (including underground ones) and abroad, it is also condemned as a cult by the Chinese government.