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Doverlândia is a small city and municipality in eastern Goiás state, Brazil. It is a large producer of cattle and soybeans.
- Population: 7,521 in 2005
- Total area: 3,218.2 km²
- Population density: 2.51 inhab/km² (2003)
- Elevation: 509 meters
- Achieved municipal status: 1982
- Distance to Iporá: 189 kilometers
- Distance to Goiânia: 401 kilometers
- Postal code: 75855-000
Doverlândia is in the Southwest Goiás Microregion in the far eastern section of the state and is relatively isolated from major population centers. Surrounding municipalities are: Mineiros and Caiapônia. To the east lies the Araguaia River and the boundary with the state of Mato Grosso.
Connecting highways from Goiânia are GO-060 / Trindade / Nazário / Firminópolis / Israelândia / Iporá / GO-221 / Palestina de Goiás / Caiapônia. [1]
Political data
- Eligible voters: 5,929 (06/09/2004)
- Mayor: Ipácio Divino de Oliveira (January 2005)
- Vice-mayor: Docemira Augusta de Lima Castro
- Councilmembers: 09
Demographic data
- Population growth rate 1991/2000: -1.95.%
- Population in 1980: n/a
- Population in 1991: 10,213
- Urban population in 2003: 5,215
- Rural population in 2003: 2,833
- Households in 2000: 2.395
- Households earning less than 01 minimum salary: 1,028
[edit] Economy
The economy is based on cattle raising and agriculture, especially corn, rice, and soybeans.
Economic data
- Gross Domestic Product in 2003: R$72.870 million
- Gross Domestic Product in 2002: R$55.392 million
- State ranking of GDP in 2002: 88 out of 246 municipalities
- PIB per capita in 2003: R$9,229
- PIB per capita in 2002: R$6,853 (state average was R$5,921)
- Industrial units: 13 (10/06/2005)
- Retail units: 118 (abr/2005)
- Banking institutions: Banco do Brasil S.A. (01/06/2005)
- Dairies: Laticínios Catupiry Ltda. (07/06/2005)
- Automobiles: 315 in 2004
Data below are from 2005.
- Cattle: 251,257 head
- Rice: 45.00 km²
- Corn: 10.00 km²
- Soybeans: 120.00 km²
Data are from IBGE
Education and health
- Literacy rate: 82.1%
- Infant mortality rate: 28.66 in 1,000 live births
- Schools: 09 (2005)
- Classrooms: 48
- Teachers: 95
- Students: 2,136
- Hospitals: 01 (July 2003
- Hospital beds: 24
- Walk-in public health clinics: 03
Ranking on the United Nations Municipal Human Development Index
- Life expectancy: 67.24
- Adult literacy rate: 0.799
- School attendance rate: 0.771
- MHDI: 0.710
- State ranking: 198 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
- National ranking: 2,831 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)
Data are from 2000
For the complete list see [2]
Sources of data