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[edit] Split into sections; also 'Sub Sub' and 'Doves' definitions
I've given the main paragraph a title, since the Contents box was hiding way down the bottom before. I've also moved things not directly relevant to their "History" to a "Trivia" section, and separated Sub Sub's brief history from Doves's, so there's a header that links to the main Sub Sub page.
Things that may need changing:
- There are still 2 paragraphs:
- "The band is known for its large, epic sound..."
- "The three members of Doves are"
above the contents box, should these go in their own sections? If so we'd then just have "Doves are an English rock band from Manchester, England" at the top of the page. I'm not sure which way would look tidiest.
- Martin Rebelski is currently mentioned under trivia, he may be worth mentioning in the sidebox or in the paragraph "The three members of Doves are...", instead.
- I've got Sub Sub down as 92-95 and Doves down from 98-present. There doesn't seem to be a definite set of dates for this, because:
- Sub Sub's start date: The article says they met when they were 15: do we have any idea which year this was? Or when the first Sub Sub activity was?
- The fire, apparently in 1995, was supposed to have signalled the end of Sub Sub.
- Doves's first release was in 1998.
- The Sub Sub page says their last release was also in 1998.
So were Sub Sub active 92-98? That's 3 more years after the fire. I know the Delta Tapes were leaning towards Doves-style material, an early version of Firesuite is on it for example, but then surely it's not true to say the fire marked the end of Sub Sub? It looks weird to have 1996 and 1997 as "gap years" but I don't know what the solution is there. Any input is appreciated Jimbow25 23:05, 23 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Picture?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure the picture on this article is of the snooker player John Higgins?
Ok, it's changed now, don't know what was wrong with my Wikipedia last night.
[edit] M62
"According to this interview, M62 Song, from The Last Broadcast, was recorded under a flyover of the M62 motorway (the album liner notes place the flyover at Northenden near Manchester)."
I don't have a copy of the album liner to hand, but the M62 doesn't go anywhere near Northenden (The M60 does, which used to be the M63 but was renamed to M60 in 1999, 3 years before The Last Broadcast was released). The M62 goes around the north of Manchester, Northenden is in South Manchester. Is this information from the album liner correct? If so, maybe a comment should be added to imply that the band got it wrong?!