Downtown Eagle
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Downtown Eagle Corporation is a Nebraska based corporation that operates two Eagle Country Market supermarkets in Iowa. One store is in Dubuque, Iowa - at East 20th Street in the northern part of the city. The other store is located in Clinton, Iowa.
When Eagle Food Centers ceased operations in 2003, Downtown Eagle Corporation was founded in order to take over the two stores, and purchased the two stores as part of the Eagle bankruptcy proceedings. As part of the purchase agreement, the company did not actually purchase the buildings themselves - instead opting to lease the buildings. They purchased the store's inventories, as well as the right to use the Eagle Country Market name and sinage.
Downtown Eagle Corporation is a non-union employer - as opposed to the former Eagle Food Centers. As a result most of the employees of the two stores in Clinton and Dubuque elected to not remain with the two stores during the change in ownership.
The Eagle Country Market store in Dubuque is the only supermarket located in the northeast part of the city. When Eagle Food Centers ceased operations, there was concern among residents and city leaders that if the store closed there wouldn't be an easily accessible grocery store for the residents of the area, many of whom are older and/or lower income people. The news that Downtown Eagle Corporation had taken over the store was met with relief by some living in that part of the city.