Dragons of Spring Dawning
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![]() 2000 paperback edition cover |
Author | Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman |
Cover artist | Larry Elmore |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Series | Dragonlance Chronicles |
Genre(s) | Fantasy novel |
Publisher | Random House |
Released | September, 1985 |
Media type | Print (Hardcover, Paperback) |
Pages | 384 pp (Paperback) |
ISBN | ISBN 0-88038-175-2 |
Preceded by | Dragons of Winter Night |
Dragons of Spring Dawning is the third book in the Dragonlance Saga, written by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis.
Contents |
[edit] Plot summary
[edit] The High Seas
The book begins when Tanis Half-Elven takes advantage of Kitiara's absence from Flotsam (she had departed for Solamnia to lead the Dragonarmies in their failed attack against the High Clerist's Tower) and rejoin the rest of his companions. While out hunting for supplies in a stolen Dragonarmy Officer's uniform, Tanis had a chance encounter with Kitiara and was whisked away to her quarters for several nights of passion. It is a particularly stormy night and as Tanis leaves the Saltbreeze Inn, he does not notice that he is followed by Gakhan the draconian, Kitiara's personal assassin. Returning to the Inn (known as The Jetties) where he had left his companions Tanis tells them the half-truth that he was mistaken for an officer by a Dragon Highlord and forced to continue the impersonation for his own safety. Ashamed of what he has done Tanis does not tell them is that the Highlord in question was Kitiara. The companions all believe Tanis's story without question, except for Raistlin. The mage senses the half-elf's deception and makes a point of telling him so when they are left alone for a moment.
Leaving the Inn just before dawn the companions are able to make it to the Perechon safely but the captain, Maquesta Kar-Thon refuses to set sail in the terrible weather. Tanis is able to convince her to cast off by revealing that it is her helmsman Berem that has drawn the Dragonarmies to Flotsam. Maquesta decides to evade pursuit by sailing out over the forbidding Blood Sea of Istar and the companions soon find themselves staring down at its blood-red waters. The Blood Sea lies over what was once, before the Cataclysm, the fertile land and legendary city of Istar. It was from here that the Kingpriest made his arrogant demands of the Gods and it was here that the Gods hurled down the fiery mountain in retribution. The former site of the city of Istar is now at the center of the blood sea and lies beneath a huge whirlpool and a perpetual storm. This whirlpool continually churns up the rich red soil of Istar from the sea floor and gives the waters the appearance of blood.
They are not far into the blood sea before they spot dragons on the horizon behind them. Kitiara had returned to the Saltbreeze Inn the same night that Tanis had left and was able to track him swiftly thanks to Gakhan. Berem panics when he sees the minions of Takhisis (who he has been fleeing for centuries) and steers the ship straight towards the center of the blood sea. Nonetheless, with a great effort of will on both their parts, Kitiara and Skie are able to follow the ship into the worsening storm. Kitiara is about to have Skie snatch Berem up in his claws and destroy the Perechon (in spite of the fact that she can see Tanis and her two brothers on deck) when they are hit by a sudden gust of wind and blown away. The companions are now close to the center of the storm and the winds have apparently become too fierce for even Skie to brave. Soon however the Perechon is swamped with water and buffeted by the full fury of the storm and the companions fare little better than the Dragon. Tanis leads the companions below decks and, filled with shame, tells them of his tryst with Kitiara. Although the companions are furious at first, the remembrance of various loves and heartaches that they have known softens their anger. Although their faith in Tanis has been shaken, it has not been broken and the companions still choose to follow him.
Soon the Perechon is caught in the forward pull of the whirlpool and the waters become eerily smooth. After realizing that they are doomed unless they break free, Tanis and Caramon search the ship for Raistlin (who has vanished) in the hopes that his magic can somehow save them. They find the mage in his quarters preparing to use his Dragon Orb and Raistlin reveals that he will use the power of the Orb to teleport himself to safety. However the mage also says that he is not powerful enough to take the companions with him and tells them that he is quite prepared to abandon them all to their doom. Believing that Raistlin will not harm his brother Tanis orders Caramon to stop him but is shocked when Raistlin reveals that he already killed Caramon (or an image he believed to be Caramon) during his test at the Tower of High Sorcery. Raistlin is whisked away by his magic and Caramon is left in a state of shock. As they near the center of the whirlpool Kitiara and Skie swoop down through the shrieking winds and make one last attempt to grab Berem. Tanis is able to knock Berem overboard but falls over himself. The last thing he sees before losing consciousness is the sight of Skie rushing towards him, teeth and talons bared. Soon the Perechon tips over the edge of the whirlpool and the rest of the companions join Tanis in oblivion.
[edit] The Library
Raistlin's spell of teleportation brings him to the steps of the Great Library of Palanthas but the strain of working the powerful magic proves too much for his frail body. As he lies on the steps, coughing up blood, the mage realizes that he is dying. When told of his presence, Astinus the historian orders his aesthetics (a semi-monastic order responsible for the preservation and cataloguing of Astinus's voluminous history of Krynn) to bring the mage into the library. Astinus of Palanthas is believed by some to be an avatar of Gilean the god of neutrality (if not the God himself) and the historian has spent centuries, if not millennia, recording all the events on Krynn as they happen. Astinus was supposedly the first living thing on Krynn and will supposedly also be the last. It is said by some that when the last day of Krynn is over he will write the final line in the final volume of his chronicles and place them upon the altar of Gilean. Among all the speculation there is one fact, and that is that the chronicler has been in Palanthas longer than anyone can remember.
Tasslehoff happens to be passing by the library just as Raistlin is brought inside and, although he recognizes the mage he is unable to reach the entrance in time to see him. The aesthetics, appalled at the idea of a Kender among the stacks of the great library refuse him admittance and the sulking Tasslehoff goes on his way.
Astinus and Fistandantilus had been friends during the latter's lifetime, and recognizing Raistlin's connection with the ancient mage, the historian refers to him as “old friend”. Raistlin requests access to the books of magic within the library for his final hours (in the hopes that he will be able to find sufficient magic within them to save his life) and Astinus freely grants it. To Raistlin's frustration he sees that all of the books that contain the magic he seeks are useless without the “key of knowledge”, a formula of some kind that has been lost over the ages. Consumed by rage and frustration Raistlin unleashes terrible destructive magic in the library before collapsing. Astinus stops by to say a final goodbye to the exhausted mage but accidentally lets slip the fact that Takhisis, Queen of Darkness is one of the possessors of this key. Calling upon the spirit of Fistandantilus once more Raistlin is able to have himself whisked away (perhaps to Sanction) to meet with Takhisis (or perhaps her clerics) and gain the life-saving knowledge he needs. Raistlin then switches his allegiance to the black robes and joins the Dark Queen's forces as one of her most powerful wizards. His fate, however, remains unknown until very near the end of the Chronicles.
Meanwhile, Tasslehoff and Flint have a close encounter with the Tower of High Sorcery of Palanthas. One of the original five towers, the Palanthian one was one of the four abandoned during the Lost Wars. Flint and Tasslehoff come across the tower while wandering the streets of Palanthas, and despite the feeling of terror that sweeps over them, the Kender's curiosity propels them ever closer. Even Tasslehoff's fearlessness has its' limits however, and the pair turn and flee for their lives just as they come within sight of the Shoikan Grove (a group of oak trees) that surround the tower. Nonetheless this is closer to the tower than any human has ever been able to approach.
[edit] The Lord
Soon, Astinus pays a visit to Lord Amothus of Palanthas (with whom Laurana, Flint and Tasslehoff are staying) and tells the elf maid the story of the tower. Telling her that “its history is bound up in your destiny”, he relates to her the words spoken by the black-robe (who even now still hangs upon the gates): “The gates shall remain closed and the halls empty until the day that the master of both the past and the present returns with power!” Although the prophecy was meant to indicate that Fistandantilus would one day return, in fact it is Raistlin, imbued with the knowledge and power of the dead mage who will fulfill this prophecy. Interestingly enough, despite Astinus's prediction, the Tower of High Sorcery never seems to have a direct (or even indirect) effect on Laurana's destiny in either the Chronicles or Legends series.
While she is staying with Lord Amothus, Laurana receives a message from Lord Gunthar Uth-Wistan, leader of the Knights of Solamnia, in which he names her as the new commander of the knights stationed in Palanthas. Unfortunately there are only fifty or so knights that survived the battle of the High Clerist's Tower, so this seems to be a largely honorary command. In reality, this is yet another political move on Lord Gunthar's part, by appointing an outsider as interim leader he hopes to limit political maneuvering within the knighthood. Laurana's seemingly light command responsibilities become quite heavy however, when Lord Amothus places her in command of the armies of Palanthas as well. The Palanthians are naturally a peace-loving people and have (fortunately) had little need of their armies over their long history. Thus Lord Amothus is only too happy to pass on the responsibilities of command to Laurana.
[edit] Dragonflight
Laurana joins Flint and Tasslehoff on the battlements of the old city to give them the news and also to tell them that Dragons have been sighted flying from the west (presumably over Kalaman). Indeed even as they speak they see two flights of Dragons winging their way to Palanthas against the sunrise. The watchmen see them too and amid the ringing of alarm bells people spill out onto the streets and the population of Palanthas begins to degenerate into the same chaos that claimed Tarsis. Tasslehoff, stares at the Dragons and gives a gasp of delight; these are not evil Dragons but Good Dragons of silver and gold like the ones he saw in the murals in Pax Tharkas and the Monument of the Silver Dragon. As the Palanthians get a better look at these Dragons their panic changes to elation and Gilthanas and Silvara (who are guiding the flight) ride into the city to a hero's welcome. The pair, along with Laurana, is escorted to Astinus himself so that he can record their tale in their own words.
Instead of joining the companions when they left for Sancrist, Gilthanas and Silvara journeyed together to Sanction, the home of the Dragonarmies. What happened on that journey is only cursorily described in the book and will presumably be covered in greater detail in the Dark Chronicles. As they tell it, Gilthanas and Silvara were captured just outside Sanction by the forces of the Dragon Highlord Ariakas and tortured. Ariakas is in fact the mastermind behind the strategy of the Dragonarmies and is in the process of remobilizing them for the final conquest of Ansalon. With the help of an undercover agent (who they do not name) the elf and the silver Dragon were able to escape and sneak into the temple of Takhisis. There they discovered, to their horror, the truth about the origin of the draconians. The clerics of Takhisis and the mages of the black robes have been perverting the eggs of the good dragons with magic spells and using them to spawn litters of draconians. Able to escape Sanction, and presumably traveling by magic, the pair arrived at the ancient sanctuary of the good Dragons, (supposedly an island in the middle of the northern ocean) and told them what they had seen. The good Dragons had stayed out of the war so far because they believed Takhisis was holding their eggs hostage, but with the revelation of her treachery they ruled their oath null and void and decided to return to Ansalon with a vengeance. The flight that Gilthanas and Silvara arrived on represents only a small part of the Good Dragon's forces. Unfortunately, despite everything that they went through together in Sanction, Gilthanas is unable to completely accept Silvara's true nature and their love remains tinged with pain and sadness.
With the Dragonlances in her possession and the Good Dragons on her side Laurana is soon able to organize a flying cavalry of Knights of Solamnia mounted on dragonback. Now that she can fight the evil Dragons on equal terms Laurana is able to start leading her ground forces to victory after victory against the Dragonarmies and she becomes known as the “Golden General”. Tasslehoff and Flint ride a bronze Dragon known as Fireflash during one aerial engagement and are able to capture Kitiara's second-in-command Bakaris. Bakaris had, despite his useless arm, insisted on riding into battle on dragonback and his mount became locked in an airborne grapple with Fireflash. Striding onto Fireflash's neck he begins to cut the harness that Flint and Tasslehoff are sitting in (and which is attached to the lance embedded in his mount) but Tasslehoff leaps onto his back and wraps his arms around his face. The Dragons separate (the evil Dragon mortally wounded) and Bakaris has no choice but to surrender to Tasslehoff. Flint had been paralyzed with fright throughout the entire battle (the only thing that bothers him more than sailing is flying) and when he finally dismounts his lips are blue and he is rubbing the left side of his chest. He tells Tasslehoff that this is where the lance hit him when it bounced back, but in fact Flint has a hereditary heart condition from his mother's side of the family and he has been hiding it from his friends for some time.
[edit] Continued Success
Before long Laurana has driven the Dragonarmies out of Northern Solamnia and she is able to liberate the city of Kalaman in time for the spring dawning festival. In fact it has been Kitiara's strategy to allow Laurana to win these victories. By constantly giving ground to the elf maid, Kitiara has forced her to spread her forces quite thin and the Highlord plans to soon retake all that she gave up, including Palanthas. Before she begins this new offensive however, Kitiara plans to demoralize the Palanthian forces by removing their “Golden General” from the picture. Kitiara sends a note to the elf maid via a disguised Gakhan, who gives it to Tasslehoff during the Spring Dawning celebrations, claiming that Tanis has been gravely wounded and wishes to see Laurana before he dies. Kitiara proposes an exchange; Tanis for Bakaris and tells Laurana to bring Bakaris outside the city walls for a secret meeting. Kitiara's story seems all the more plausible because not only had Laurana heard Kitiara speak of Tanis at the High Clerist's tower, but Gilthanas had also overheard Kitiara do so to Ariakas when he was a prisoner in Sanction. Somehow Laurana knew, when she heard Kitiara speak of Tanis that she spoke the truth and, over Flint's objections, she decides to risk everything and forsake her responsibilities as General for the half-elf's sake. With Flint and Tasslehoff's help she sneaks Bakaris out of the city to the rendezvous point and finds Gakhan and a pair of wyverns waiting for them. Gakhan informs them that Tanis has taken a turn for the worse and that they must accompany him to Kitiara's headquarters Dargaard Keep if they wish to see him. The companions are now trapped (one sting from the wyvern's poisoned tail could easily end any of their lives) and Bakaris orders Gakhan to return to Kalaman. Flying alone with the three companions Bakaris brings the wyverns down some distance from Dargaard keep, intending to revenge himself upon Laurana for his arm injury by raping her. As he is about to lead her into a cave Laurana pretends to faint and attacks him. After a brief struggle Bakaris falls on his own knife and expires. Fortunately for the companions Bakaris never had time to tell the wyverns to attack and the beasts are not intelligent enough to do so unless ordered. The three companions are about to start walking back to Kalaman when a terrifying apparition emerges from the nearby cave. It is Lord Soth a Death Knight and one of Kitiara's most devoted servants. Soth's power is far too great for the companions and he captures Laurana and orders Tasslehoff and Flint to return and tell the people of Kalaman.
[edit] Underwater City
Some time earlier, Tanis had regained consciousness in a strange room with Riverwind, Goldmoon and Berem. The Everman is just as mystified as the companions, when he steered the ship into the whirlpool he thought only of escaping Kitiara and believed that he was going to yet another of his many deaths. The room that they are in is nice enough but is filled with furniture and items that appear very old and are in a style that none of the companions recognize. The companions are, in fact in the ruined city of Istar at the bottom of the blood sea. Rather than being destroyed by the cataclysm the city was buried under tons of earth and many sections of it are still inhabitable. Only the former site of the Kingpriest's temple, a huge seemingly bottomless crater filled with bone-numbingly cold water, is uninhabited. Istar has been taken over by the sea-elves, or Dimernesti (yet another forgotten branch of the elven race) and it is where they take the surface dwellers that they rescue from shipwrecks. Shortly, a red-robed human magic-user enters the room but leaves immediately when an angry Tanis begins to question him. The companions are able to avoid detection and follow the mage through the city of Istar to a pool that contains a beautiful sea-elf. The mage kneels down before and begins to converse with her in elvish. The mage's name is Zebulah and the sea elf, who is known as Apoletta, is in fact his wife. In his youth, Zebulah had set his heart upon plundering the forgotten wealth of Istar and used his magic to descend beneath the waves. Instead of capturing the ancient wealth however, he had his heart captured by Apoletta and married her. Zebulah has appointed himself caretaker of the surface-dwellers who have ended up in Istar and now spends what time he can watching over them. Tanis reveals himself, and making an effort to calm himself is able to make a significantly better impression than he did at first. He finds out that Caramon and Tika are alive and well and have merely been given different quarters. At first Apoletta is reluctant to help the companions, believing that the war on the surface is none of the sea elves' concern, but when Tanis tells her of the return of the evil Dragons she relents. The fact that her mention of the good Dragons elicits only a puzzled stare from Tanis makes Apoletta realize that something is seriously wrong up above and she agrees to return the companions to the surface world near the city of Kalaman.
The companions are washed ashore outside of Kalaman shortly after the city learns of the Golden General's disappearance and although they hear the news they do not immediately realize that she is Laurana. The companions have a chance encounter with Tasslehoff in the marketplace (when Caramon's money pouch just seems to fall into the kender's hands) and are reunited with the kender, Flint and Gilthanas. Gilthanas is livid when he sees Tanis for not only does he know that the half-elf was recently with Kitiara but he also blames him for Laurana's disappearance.
[edit] Ransom
Watching from the battlements the companions see Kitiara and Skie land outside the walls of Kalaman to demand the city's surrender. Kitiara reveals that Laurana has been taken to the temple of Takhisis in Neraka, and besides demanding the unconditional surrender of the Good Dragons and the member races of the council of Whitestone, she tells them that they have three weeks to deliver Berem to her. No one, save the companions who were in Istar, is aware that the Everman is standing upon the battlements at that very moment. Kitiara leaves Laurana's helmet and a lock of her hair on the field and threatens to return with the elf maid's head if her demands are not met. Berem has told the companions only parts of his story up to this point but they have heard enough to know that, although he dreads the place, he has some important connection with the temple of the Dark Queen in Neraka. A grief-stricken Tanis resolves to go to Neraka with Berem and attempt to rescue Laurana. Caramon, Tika, Flint and Tasslehoff agree to accompany him but Tanis refuses to allow Riverwind and Goldmoon to come along. Goldmoon is now pregnant and Tanis is able to convince her to stay in Kalaman for the sake of her unborn child (although it will in fact be twins). Before Tanis leaves he is also able to have a reconciliation of sorts with Gilthanas. The pain of his love for Silvara has taken some of the elflord's haughtiness away, and he now realizes that Tanis was innocent of any part in Laurana's capture. Before they part, Gilthanas calls Tanis “brother” and agrees to take over the defense of the city.
[edit] Trip to Neraka
The companions depart for Neraka on a flight of four bronze dragons. Tanis and Caramon are dressed in their stolen Dragonarmor in the hopes that they can bluff their way into the temple. As the companions are passing over a group of Draconians they are attacked by a confused Fizban and his ancient and equally confused Gold Dragon Pyrite. Pyrite was young in the days of Huma of the Lance, and much like Flamestrike he sometimes believes himself to be living those days again. Fizban forces the companions down quite near the Draconians but without hurting them. Berem sets off at a run and before Tanis can do anything Fizban shoos the Bronze Dragons away. The old mage is (apparently) quite mortified to discover that he has attacked some of his old friends and the companions are forced to chase after Berem on foot. The Draconians are hot on their heels and Pyrite transforms himself into a tiny gold Dragon statue so that Tasslehoff can place him in one of his pouches. The companions flee through the foothills and up into the Khalkist Mountains but the Draconians pursue them relentlessly. Towards evening they cross a great chasm with a rickety bridge but the bridge begins to collapse before they have all made it to the other side. Caramon and Tanis fight off the Draconians while Fizban summons a glowing bridge-section of pure magical energy. The three are able to make it onto the magical span before the rest of the bridge collapses and the Draconians are forced to call off their pursuit for the moment. The next day is spent wandering through the mountains, lost (Fizban believes he knows the way but only leads them to a dead end), and towards nightfall Berem runs off once more. They are able to track the Everman to a rock face with a narrow tunnel, and the humans are forced to crawl through it. Flint, who has continued to have trouble with his heart is the first through and the first to enter the bowl shaped, boulder strewn valley known as Godshome. The Dwarf sees Berem preparing to leave through another tunnel on the opposite side of the valley and chases after him. The exertion is too much for the old Dwarf's heart however, and he collapses before he can catch up with the fugitive. Berem, hearing Flint cry out and seeing him fall rushes back to help him and reaches the Dwarf just as Tanis emerges into the valley. Tanis believes that Berem has attacked Flint and runs the Everman through with his sword before Berem can explain. Just as before Berem soon returns to life and Tanis is filled with shame over his actions. As he lies dying, the old Dwarf is able to say a proper farewell to his friends and then is carried by Fizban to a pool of glass in the center of the valley. The pair vanishes and the constellation of Paladine (which, along with that of Takhisis had vanished in the first book of the series) returns to the sky. The companions are able to spend a bittersweet night in the valley trading memories of their dear friend.
Berem finally decides to open up and proceeds to tell the companions his full story. Berem is centuries old and in fact he was born near Neraka only a few years before the cataclysm Although he and his family were spared the brunt of the Gods' wrath, times were still hard and they had were barely able to eke out a living from their farm. Berem had a sister name Jasla and the two were very close. Although they were not twins, in many ways their relationship was just as close as Caramon and Raistlin's. One day while they were out hunting they discovered a jeweled column half-buried in the ground. This was in fact the foundation stone of the Kingpriest's temple and it had landed there after being hurled through various planes of existence. When the fiery mountain struck Istar fragments of the temple were thrown through the planes but the foundation stone happened to pass through the abyss, home of Takhisis. Seeing the foundation stone pass through her domain and tracing its path to Neraka Takhisis planned to use the column as a doorway to reenter Krynn. Takhisis has never respected the balance of the Gods and has continually attempted to destroy it by entering the mortal plane in her full glory (presumably Fizban is merely an incarnation or avatar of Paladine and not the God himself). It was Huma of the Lance who banished her the last time she did so and she has planned her return ever since. When Berem saw the column he was overcome with greed and proceeded to pry one of the emeralds loose in the hopes that it could buy a life of ease for him and his family. Jasla however sensed the sacred (though evil) aura of the place and forbade Berem to take the gem. She tried to push him away from the column but failed and he pushed her back. Berem watched in horror as Jasla fell onto the jeweled column itself and was impaled by the gems. As his sister lay dying in front of him the Queen of Darkness herself manifested and seared the emerald into Berem's chest. Berem's desecration of the column should have allowed Takhisis to enter the world once more, but Jasla's pure soul, tied to the column, rose up and prevented her from doing so. At the urging of his sister's spirit Berem fled from Neraka and has spent the last three hundred years trying to forget what happened. Since that day, Takhisis's true goal has been to use the Everman to break his sister's enchantment upon the column and fully return to the world. Such is Takhisis's evil that the war waged by her Highlords, as terrible as it has been, has merely been a way to flush Berem out of hiding.
Of the original eight companions who left the Inn of the Last Home, and those who have joined them since, there now remain only five: Tanis, Caramon, Tika, Tasslehoff and Berem. The quintet exits the valley the next morning and begins their descent from the Khalkist Mountains. As they descend to the plain of Neraka they find that it is teeming with the massed might of the Dragonarmies. All the Dragon Highlords have gathered here for a grand council and are in the process of entering the temple compound by order of rank. This is only the second grand council since the war began. Tanis shivers as he realizes the fate that would have awaited the companions if they had flown up to the Temple on their easily recognizable Bronze Dragons and realizes that Fizban's intervention may not have been as accidental as it seemed. The Queen's temple, a perverted evil version of the Kingpriest's abode, has grown up around the jeweled column that Berem found all those years ago and is now surrounded by a temporary camp city.
Tanis and Caramon are able to reach the city gates by pretending to be officers escorting three prisoners (Berem is disguised with a false beard) in for interrogation but are brought up short when they are unable to produce any leave papers for the captain of the watch. The companions are about to be taken prisoner by the guards but Tanis, who sees Kitiara parading through the city gates, tells Tasslehoff that the companions must trust him no matter what he does and breaks free. Kitiara is amused and surprised to find Tanis there and allows him to mount Skie and enter the city with her. Although Caramon and the others are carried off to prison the guards are now careful not to treat them too harshly.
Alone with Kitiara, Tanis tells her that he has come to offer himself in exchange for Laurana and that he is prepared to serve under her as an officer in the Dragonarmies. Kitiara says that she will consider his offer and decides that she will take him to the grand council that evening and present him to Takhisis. She stresses that her decision will depend on how well the half-elf behaves that night. In reality Kitiara has no intention of setting Laurana free and the elf maid is to be tortured by Takhisis and given to Lord Soth to become his consort. By forcing him to witness this, Kitiara hopes to break Tanis once and for all and remold him to her liking.
Meanwhile Gakhan has heard of the companions' arrival at the gate and suspects their true identities. The Draconian tracks the captain of the guard to a tavern and interrogates him about the companions, then, more suspicious than ever, he heads down to the prison cells to confirm his theory. Arriving at the companions' cell he walks up to the bars and rips Berem's shirt off exposing the gleaming emerald in his chest. Entering the cell he has his guards strike Caramon a blow on the head and they begin to remove the Everman. Just like on the Perechon Berem begins to panic, but this time instead of trying to flee he goes berserk and attacks his captors. Grabbing Gakhan by his shirt he slams the Draconian into the wall repeatedly and continues doing so long after the assassin is dead. As the alarm sounds Berem hears his sister Jasla calling to him and sets off at a run into the maze of prison corridors. Caramon follows the Everman while Tika and Tas run off in another direction to draw off pursuit.
[edit] Grand Council
Meanwhile, up above, the Grand Council of the Dragon Highlords has begun and Tanis marches into the grand chamber at the head of Kitiara's troops. Unknown to Tanis, his old companion Raistlin is one of the Black-robed mages present. The Highlords all sit on thrones atop tiered platforms and are surrounded by as many of their forces as will fit into the chamber. Lord Ariakas is among those present at the council but Lord Toede is absent. It is announced that the unfortunate hobgoblin was slain by the Kender hero Kronin Thistleknot and that Kenderhome itself, which was within Lord Toede's area of jurisdiction, has been lost. Amid the chaos (touched off by Kitiara's mirthless mocking laughter) the Queen of Darkness herself manifests upon the largest platform in the room. Though awe-inspiring and terrifying Takhisis is not fully present in the world and her form seems to shift between various incarnations.
Kitiara, much to Tanis's surprise, announces that she will present Laurana, the “Golden General” to the Queen, and, telling the half-elf to play along mounts the Dark Queen's platform with him. Laurana, wrapped in bandages, is carried up to the platform by Lord Soth and Kitiara cuts the bandages open and shoves the unfortunate elf maid to the floor. Before doing anything more with Laurana however, she presents Tanis for service in the Dragonarmies and he kneels before the Dark Queen in awe of her power and majesty. Although she is the embodiment of evil, she is also one of the three creators of the world and Tanis cannot help but kneel in her presence. Takhisis agrees to accept Tanis as an officer and also agrees to Kitiara's suggestion that Laurana be given to Lord Soth. Tanis is livid. Accepted into the Dragonarmies Tanis must perform the ceremony of laying his weapon at the feet of supreme commander, Lord Ariakas. Although still reeling from the shock of learning that Laurana is to be given to Lord Soth, Tanis is able to form a plan as he marches up the steps to Lord Ariakas's platform. He sees upon Lord Ariakas's head the crown of Power and, remembering something Kitiara had said to him earlier; “whoever wears the crown rules”, decides to slay Lord Ariakas and seize the crown for himself. Tanis hopes to give Kitiara the crown in exchange for Laurana and is preparing to draw his sword when he notices a shimmering aura of power around the Highlord. Lord Ariakas is a peerless warrior but he was also once a student magic and has earned the right to wear the Black robes of high sorcery. Cursing to himself and unsure of what to do Tanis hears Raistlin's voice telling him to strike true. When he reaches the top of the platform Tanis draws his sword, as if to present it to Lord Ariakas, and then runs the evil Highlord through with it. Raistlin, watching from the sidelines had dispelled Lord Ariakas's protective shield just before Tanis struck.
Meanwhile far beneath the temple Caramon and Berem have managed to evade the prison guards and are traveling ever closer to Berem's mysterious destination. As they pass through an archway they activate a magical alarm and blaring trumpets are heard throughout the temple.
Just as Lord Soth, who had appeared atop Lord Ariakas's platform, is about to wrest the crown from Tanis the blaring of the trumpets is heard in the grand chamber and all except for Raistlin pause to listen. The trumpets are a signal that Raistlin must go to guard a very special chamber deep beneath the temple and he abruptly disappears from the council chamber. At Kitiara's command Tanis and Lord Soth are escorted back to her by a detachment of her troops. When they return Tanis surprises his former lover by demanding Laurana's release and refusing to turn the crown over to Kitiara. Suddenly the heretofore meek Laurana grabs Kitiara's sword and holds both her and Tanis at bay. Telling the half-elf that she will live or die by her own choices she pushes him off the platform, causing him to drop the crown, and escapes in the confusion.
Tasslehoff and Tika meanwhile have found a tunnel that leads outside the temple but it is barred by a single gate. As Tika desperately tries to hold off the pursuing Draconians Tasslehoff sets to work on the lock. The Kender suddenly realizes that this is the lock from Lorac's dream and, jostled by Tika, feels a prick as the poisoned needle enters his finger. Tika falls, and the Draconians are about to finish her off when they hear the blaring of the trumpets and run back into the temple.
Berem and Caramon pass through an underground stream, where Dragon hatchlings attempt gnaw the flesh from their bones, and into a water-filled underground cavern. Only Caramon's sturdy leather boots prevent the hatchlings from tearing his feet to ribbons. At the far end of the chamber they can dimly make out the glowing outline of a jeweled column and as they advance towards it, the room is suddenly lit by the glow from Raistlin's staff. The frail mage is now one of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived and it is he who is the final guardian of the column. Caramon once the strong and confident twin is now bewildered and helpless before his powerful independent brother. Although Raistlin could easily slay Caramon and capture Berem he chooses instead to let Berem through. Berem throws himself upon the column and, as his life's blood ebbs away, is reunited at long last with his sister Jasla. A quake then ripples through the temple. Although Raistlin has just helped both Tanis and Caramon he has done neither out of any sort of goodness. In fact he has used his former companions to rid himself of two of his most powerful rivals; Lord Ariakas and Takhisis. With them gone, Raistlin is now left as the single most powerful force for evil on Krynn. Raistlin's ambition goes even further than this however, and in the Dragonlance Legends series he will attempt to challenge Takhisis herself for a spot among the Gods. As he hears the Draconians charging through the tunnels towards him, Caramon begs Raistlin for a quick death, claiming that his brother owes him that much. Incensed by the phrase “you owe me that much” Raistlin unleashes his powerful magic on all who enter the chamber. Draconians and Black-robes alike fall before this terrible onslaught and are driven away by Raistlin's sheer magical might. Raistlin then escorts Caramon out of the temple and, just as in Lorac's nightmare the warrior must now lean on his frail twin to walk. They soon reach the very gate at which lie the wounded forms of Tika and Tasslehoff and Caramon begs his twin to save them. Pretending to be a Dragonarmy officer, Caramon is able to successfully bluff some approaching Draconians into leaving them alone while Raistlin works his magic. Tasslehoff is purged of the poison and Tika (who had not been critically injured) is well enough to walk. After Raistlin callously slays the Draconians, the four of them exit the tunnel and the mage directs them to the top of a nearby hill where he says they will find someone waiting for them. Unfortunately Tasslehoff was forced to leave his pouches behind at the gate but he cheers up when he realizes that he can fill new pouches with even more interesting things. Raistlin then summons Cyan Bloodbane and flies off for Palanthas, but not before Caramon (who knows that his twin now walks the paths of darkest evil) makes a heart-breaking offer to accompany him. Raistlin refuses and tells his twin that they are now as the Gods meant them to be, two whole people. And here their paths separate, as Raistlin flies off for Palanthas.
[edit] Chaos and Escape
The hall of audience, now that Tanis has dropped the crown, has become a chaotic melee and becomes even more so when the foundations of the temple begin to shake. As the gate to the abyss closes Takhisis disappears and the temple begins to collapse. Tanis is able to fight his way out of the great hall and he then runs desperately through the corridors searching for Laurana. He finally catches up with her, far from the Hall of audience, and although she wants nothing more to do with him she hesitates while he pleads for forgiveness. As the ceiling rains down about them Kitiara enters the chamber, her sword stained with blood. As Lord Soth approaches to claim Laurana, Kitiara offers Tanis one last chance to join her as ruler of the Dragonarmies. Tanis refuses and tells Kitiara that he will use his dying breath to call on Paladine and ask him shield Laurana's soul from Lord Soth. The half-elf tells Kitiara that the gods “owe him one” and that they will grant his last wish. Kitiara hesitates a moment and then tells the pair the location of the same exit that the other companions used. Tanis and Laurana flee just as Lord Soth enters the chamber and the Death Knight presents the Crown of Power to Kitiara. Kitiara reveals to Lord Soth that far from being merciful she has in fact exacted her final revenge upon Tanis and Laurana. The fact that they owe their lives to Kitiara will always cast a shadow over their relationship and Tanis will always carry the fantasy of Kitiara at the back of his mind. Kitiara and Lord Soth then depart to consolidate their hold on power.
On their way out, Tanis pauses to pick up the ring of golden ivy leaves (with the Dragon known as Pyrite still wrapped around it) from the remains of Tasslehoff's pouches. Exiting the tunnel Tanis and Laurana come to the hill that Raistlin had pointed out to the others and find Fizban waiting there for them. They are soon joined by Caramon, Tika and Tasslehoff and Fizban then reveals to them that he is really the God Paladine. Furthermore he tells them that that evil has not been vanquished (nor should it be) and that the Dragons of both good and evil will remain on Ansalon. He surprises the companions by telling them that it was the preeminence of Good during the reign of the Kingpriest, and the intolerance and arrogance it bred, that brought about the Cataclysm. Tasslehoff, learning that Fizban is a God, is heartbroken to realize that he will have to say goodbye to yet another friend. To comfort Tasslehoff, Fizban tells him that Flint waits for him beside the forge of the God Reorx and sits under a huge tree carving wood to pass the time. Tasslehoff still has many adventures left before he can join the old Dwarf however, and Fizban tells the kender that he will need some new stories to tell his friend. Paladine, who is known by different names to all peoples and races, decrees that in memory of his friendship with Tasslehoff, his name among kender will now be Fizban. Paladine then flies off on Pyrite the Dragon (now in his natural form) wailing that he can't find his hat. The God leaves too quickly to hear Tasslehoff shout that it's still on his head. Tanis and Laurana, meanwhile, have wandered off alone and the half-elf once again offers Laurana the ring of ivy leaves, this time as a token of his love. She throws it away however and tells him that it is the symbol of an immature selfish love. Because she let her love for Tanis blind her, she walked into Kitiara's trap and drastically weakened the forces of good. Instead she says that she will make Tanis a new ring, made of steel and gold to represent his dual nature, which will properly symbolize their love.
[edit] Epilogue
As morning dawns, the companions separate, Tasslehoff to travel to Kenderhome, Caramon and Tika to travel to Solace and Tanis and Laurana to travel to Kalaman. In the last chapter of the chronicles Raistlin marches through the moonlit streets of Palanthas and claims ownership of the tower of High Sorcery. Dismissing the spirit of the dead black robe, Raistlin strides through the gates and enters the tower, now the most powerful force for evil on the face of Krynn.