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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
Wikipedia link | NACO external link | LC recommended name form | Titles in LC | Year of birth | NACO match category |
Robert Balfour | n00-75187 | Balfour, Robert, 1550?-1625? | 15 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Juan de la Cueva | n80-139213 | Cueva, Juan de la, 1550?-1610? | 123 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Vicente Espinel | n50-8990 | Espinel, Vicente, 1550?-1624 | 142 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Helwys | n88-653692 | Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? | 54 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Michael Maestlin | n85-811863 | Maestlin, Michael, 1550-1631 | 55 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Napier | n50-69197 | Napier, John, 1550-1617. | 190 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ralph Sherwin | nr93-15029 | Sherwin, Ralph, Saint, 1550-1581 | 0 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Orazio Vecchi | n82-78552 | Vecchi, Orazio, 1550-1605 | 254 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Cristóbal de Virués | n85-326476 | VirueÃÅs, CristoÃÅbal de, 1550?-ca. 1614 | 51 | 1550 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Camden | n50-31528 | Camden, William, 1551-1623 | 421 | 1551 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hans von Aachen | nr89-15717 | Aachen, Hans von, 1552-1615 | 17 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jean Bertaut | nr94-36487 | Bertaut, Jean, 1552-1611 | 13 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gabriello Chiabrera | n84-160363 | Chiabrera, Gabriello, 1552-1638 | 152 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edward Coke | n79-18036 | Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. | 655 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Fitzherbert | n84-184589 | Fitzherbert, Thomas, 1552-1640 | 62 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lavinia Fontana | n90-703924 | Fontana, Lavinia, 1552-1614 | 43 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Simon Forman | n80-123143 | Forman, Simon, 1552-1611 | 45 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Hakluyt | n50-23480 | Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616. | 500 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Philemon Holland | n85-800839 | Holland, Philemon, 1552-1637 | 172 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Owen | n95-42506 | Owen, George, 1552-1613 | 22 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Petrus Plancius | nr93-14920 | Plancius, Petrus, 1552-1622 | 33 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Raleigh | n79-60999 | Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618 | 1728 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Matteo Ricci | n81-5150 | Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610 | 375 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paolo Sarpi | n79-124620 | Sarpi, Paolo, 1552-1623 | 473 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edmund Spenser | n78-81910 | Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 | 2695 | 1552 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Johann Eccard | n81-112081 | Eccard, Johann, 1553-1611 | 61 | 1553 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Luca Marenzio | n80-138261 | Marenzio, Luca, 1553-1599 | 416 | 1553 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jacques Auguste de Thou | n82-64030 | Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 1553-1617. | 209 | 1553 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bálint Balassa | n83-634 | Balassa, BaÃÅlint, baÃÅroÃÅ, 1554-1594 | 93 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paolo Bellasio | no2004-30857 | Bellasio, Paolo, 1554-1594 | 0 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jacques Bongars | n88-222654 | Bongars, Jacques, 1554-1612 | 118 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Cowell | n80-9689 | Cowell, John, 1554-1611 | 90 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Stephen Gosson | n50-34727 | Gosson, Stephen, 1554-1624. | 98 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leonardus Lessius | n79-65405 | Lessius, Leonardus, 1554-1623. | 194 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Philip Sidney | n79-18045 | Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586 | 1218 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Somers | n85-133164 | Somers, George, Sir, 1554-1610. | 11 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Throckmorton | nr92-35334 | Throckmorton, Francis, 1554-1584 | 25 | 1554 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lancelot Andrewes | n81-23089 | Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626 | 532 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Johann Arndt | n79-60799 | Arndt, Johann, 1555-1621 | 571 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Carew | n85-196458 | Carew, Richard, 1555-1620 | 84 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Garnet | n85-143679 | Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606 | 94 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Harrison (translator) | nr93-26259 | Harrison, Thomas, 1555-1631 | 4 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alonso Lobo | n80-127156 | Lobo, Alonso, 1555-1617 | 28 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Giovanni Antonio Magini | n84-804508 | Magini, Giovanni Antonio, 1555-1617. | 123 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
François de Malherbe | n50-44323 | Malherbe, FrancÃßois de, 1555-1628 | 366 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Heinrich Meibom (poet) | n84-79287 | Meibom, Heinrich, 1555-1625 | 70 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Rollock | n85-215436 | Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599. | 55 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Luís de Sousa | n85-236747 | Sousa, LuiÃÅs de, 1555?-1632 | 127 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lodovico Zacconi | n86-805809 | Zacconi, Lodovico, 1555-1627. | 44 | 1555 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sophia Brahe | n85-291420 | Brahe, Sophia, 1556-1643. | 8 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Anne Hathaway (Shakespeare) | nr89-7988 | Hathaway, Anne, 1556?-1623 | 53 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carlo Maderno | no2001-77059 | Maderno, Carlo, 1556-1629 | 53 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Melville (1556-1614) | nr93-7683 | Melville, James, 1556-1614 | 28 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Pomponio Nenna | n84-192354 | Nenna, Pomponio, b. 1556. | 48 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Peele | n50-8785 | Peele, George, 1556-1596. | 287 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Antonio Vassilacchi | nr92-21999 | Vassilacchi, Antonio, 1556-1629 | 4 | 1556 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Vittoria Accoramboni | nb2001-23671 | Accoramboni, Vittoria, 1557-1585 | 3 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Agostino Carracci | n87-839265 | Carracci, Agostino, 1557-1602. | 137 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bernardo Castello | n86-812994 | Castello, Bernardo, 1557?-1629 | 19 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfonso Fontanelli | nr92-31632 | Fontanelli, Alfonso, 1557-1622 | 35 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Giovanni Gabrieli | n79-70076 | Gabrieli, Giovanni, 1557-1612 | 1085 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jacques Mauduit | no90-13045 | Mauduit, Jacques, 1557-1627 | 43 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Morley | n79-81242 | Morley, Thomas, 1557-1603? | 586 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Unton | n82-213235 | Unton, Henry, Sir, 1557?-1596. | 15 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Watson (poet) | n50-34927 | Watson, Thomas, 1557?-1592 | 112 | 1557 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dudley Fenner | no90-25585 | Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587 | 49 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hendrik Goltzius | n50-34471 | Goltzius, Hendrik, 1558-1617 | 132 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Greene | n80-126058 | Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592 | 927 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Kyd | n50-58277 | Kyd, Thomas, 1558-1594. | 307 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Lodge | n79-141289 | Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625 | 384 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Moore (barrister) | n84-177001 | Moore, Francis, Sir, 1558-1621 | 44 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Olivier van Noort | n80-161607 | Noort, Olivier van, 1558 or 9-1627 | 66 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Perkins | n50-47643 | Perkins, William, 1558-1602. | 350 | 1558 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Isaac Casaubon | n82-48649 | Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614 | 454 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Chapman | n79-3294 | Chapman, George, 1559?-1634 | 876 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Aleixo de Menezes | n86-105825 | Menezes, Aleixo de, 1559-1617 | 19 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Penry | n84-212769 | Penry, John, 1559-1593. | 118 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jacques Sirmond | n86-113885 | Sirmond, Jacques, 1559-1651. | 133 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Spenser | no90-23432 | Spenser, John, 1559-1614 | 34 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Watson (priest) | n84-121103 | Watson, William, 1559?-1603 | 10 | 1559 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dsp13 14:25, 8 August 2006 (UTC)