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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
Wikipedia link | NACO external link | LC recommended name form | Titles in LC | Year of birth | NACO match category |
Eliza Allen | nr2001-16212 | Allen, Eliza, b. 1826 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph Arch | n83-311809 | Arch, Joseph, 1826-1919. | 51 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bill Arp | n50-16447 | Arp, Bill, 1826-1903. | 124 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Bagehot | n79-63562 | Bagehot, Walter, 1826-1877 | 603 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Barry | no94-34963 | Barry, Alfred, 1826-1910 | 130 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Adolf Bastian | n82-54903 | Bastian, Adolf, 1826-1905. | 215 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William B. Bate | n85-363332 | Bate, William B. (William Brimage), 1826-1905. | 57 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Auguste-Rosalie Bisson | no99-59153 | Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie, 1826-1900 | 15 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James G. Blunt | no2003-32328 | Blunt, James G. (James Gillpatrick), 1826-1881 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Loring Brace | n50-43173 | Brace, Charles Loring, 1826-1890 | 194 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
B. Gratz Brown | n88-235752 | Brown, B. Gratz (Benjamin Gratz), 1826-1885 | 99 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Brown (servant) | nr00-36430 | Brown, John, 1826-1883 | 42 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Buford | nr92-12425 | Buford, John, 1826-1863 | 41 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Angus Cameron | no94-7916 | Cameron, Angus, 1826-1897 | 26 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Stanislao Cannizzaro | n93-79091 | Cannizzaro, Stanislao, 1826-1910 | 65 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Christopher Carrington | n86-867046 | Carrington, Richard Christopher, 1826-1875 | 28 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Cornwallis Chesney | n97-45004 | Chesney, Charles Cornwallis, 1826-1876 | 50 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frederic Edwin Church | n81-68777 | Church, Frederic Edwin, 1826-1900 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Clarke (Ontario MLA) | no2002-68415 | Clarke, Charles, 1826-1909 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carlo Collodi | n79-63096 | Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890 | 1201 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Samuel Cox | no95-38729 | Cox, Samuel, 1826-1893 | 148 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Howard Crosby | n85-353795 | Crosby, Howard, 1826-1891. | 108 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Armand David | nr91-35966 | David, Armand, 1826-1900 | 22 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
David Charles Davies | nr2004-8363 | Davies, David Charles, 1826-1891 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Andrew Jackson Davis | n81-92485 | Davis, Andrew Jackson, 1826-1910 | 318 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Louis Arsene Delaunay | no92-19901 | Delaunay, Louis-ArseÃÄne, 1826-1903 | 13 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Crowninshield Endicott | n79-59319 | Endicott, William Crowninshield, 1826-1900 | 38 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Mariano Escobedo | n88-231618 | Escobedo, Mariano, 1826-1902 | 42 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Luigi Ferri | nr99-815 | Ferri, Luigi, 1826-1895 | 46 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Augustus Wollaston Franks | n83-184888 | Franks, Augustus Wollaston, Sir, 1826-1897 | 93 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Matilda Joslyn Gage | n80-38097 | Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 1826-1898 | 154 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Z. George | no94-9074 | George, James Z. (James Zachariah), 1826-1897 | 32 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Zénobe Gramme | no94-8686 | Gramme, ZeÃÅnobe, 1826-1901 | 7 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ralph T.H. Griffith | n81-125578 | Griffith, Ralph T. H. (Ralph Thomas Hotchkin), 1826-1906. | 107 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lewis B. Gunckel | no98-96491 | Gunckel, Lewis B., 1826-1903 | 14 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John B. Henderson | nr93-4617 | Henderson, John B. (John Brooks), 1826-1913 | 24 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Hoadly | n85-363480 | Hoadly, George, 1826-1902. | 51 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Frisbie Hoar | n81-26563 | Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904 | 436 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Sterry Hunt | n82-66644 | Hunt, Thomas Sterry, 1826-1892. | 244 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Holt Hutton | n50-30353 | Hutton, Richard Holt, 1826-1897 | 284 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Jayne | n88-274174 | Jayne, William, 1826-1916 | 23 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emmanuel Liais | n91-98354 | Liais, Emmanuel, 1826-1900 | 31 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Wilhelm Liebknecht | n50-50138 | Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 1826-1900. | 284 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Haines Lytle | n98-80955 | Lytle, William Haines, 1826-1863 | 44 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Mahone | n88-274125 | Mahone, William, 1826-1895 | 121 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
José María Medina | n91-67091 | Medina, JoseÃÅ MariÃÅa, 1826-1878 | 6 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Meehan | nr98-28279 | Meehan, Thomas, 1826-1901 | 50 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emile Justin Menier | n87-100178 | Menier, Emile-Justin, 1826-1881. | 25 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Svetozar Miletić | n87-949275 | MileticÃÅ, Svetozar, 1826-1901. | 37 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustave Moreau | n50-4629 | Moreau, Gustave, 1826-1898 | 355 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alexander Morris | n88-653246 | Morris, Alexander, 1826-1889 | 76 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henri Mouhot | n87-144050 | Mouhot, Henri, 1826-1861. | 58 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustave Moynier | n90-631911 | Moynier, Gustave, 1826-1910 | 38 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Gifford Palgrave | no2005-44668 | Palgrave, William Gifford, 1826-1888 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Harwar Parker | n84-151595 | Parker, William Harwar, 1826-1896. | 57 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Pohl | n88-621364 | Pohl, Richard, 1826-1896 | 66 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Pool | no00-191 | Pool, John, 1826-1884 | 13 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Mariano Ignacio Prado | n81-47587 | Prado, Mariano Ignacio, 1826-1902 | 28 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Antonio Raimondi | n84-805213 | Raimondi, Antonio, 1826-1890 | 91 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Rainy | no92-10689 | Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906 | 106 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Chapman Ralston | nr96-25610 | Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875 | 73 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hormuzd Rassam | n88-665645 | Rassam, Hormuzd, 1826-1910 | 34 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Albert Reville | n82-70013 | ReÃÅville, Albert, 1826-1906. | 141 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bernhard Riemann | n81-5064 | Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866 | 172 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edmund G. Ross | n83-217427 | Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 | 82 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jonathan Ross (senator) | no2001-54421 | Ross, Jonathan, 1826-1905 | 17 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Long Routt | n2001-157012 | Routt, John Long, 1826-1907 | 14 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Léon Say | no89-11410 | Say, LeÃÅon, 1826-1896 | 108 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Sayers | n85-369248 | Sayers, Thomas, 1826-1865 | 10 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph Viktor von Scheffel | n82-132725 | Scheffel, Joseph Viktor von, 1826-1886 | 643 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Seaton Scott | nr98-14699 | Scott, Thomas Seaton, 1826-1895 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Green Clay Smith | no89-19599 | Smith, Green Clay, 1826-1895 | 29 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry John Stephen Smith | n86-872352 | Smith, Henry John Stephen, 1826-1883. | 64 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Clifton Sorby | n85-801418 | Sorby, Henry Clifton, 1826-1908. | 54 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edward Askew Sothern | n88-218940 | Sothern, Edward Askew, 1826-1881 | 37 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Julius Stockhausen | nr94-6497 | Stockhausen, Julius, 1826-1906 | 41 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John P. Stockton | n86-114711 | Stockton, John P. (John Potter), 1826-1900. | 40 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Taylor (general) | n50-8420 | Taylor, Richard, 1826-1879. | 123 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Alexander Tefft | n88-137311 | Tefft, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1859. | 33 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Thomas (harpist) | n87-116281 | Thomas, John, 1826-1913 | 117 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
M. Jeff Thompson | n89-661770 | Thompson, M. Jeff, 1826-1876 | 25 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Moritz Traube | n99-24923 | Traube, Moritz, 1826-1894 | 13 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Romuald Traugutt | n85-170523 | Traugutt, Romuald, 1826-1864. | 45 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Friedrich Ueberweg | n85-260751 | Ueberweg, Friedrich, 1826-1871. | 217 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joachim Jacob Unger | nr94-43518 | Unger, Joachim Jacob, 1826-1912 | 16 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carel Vosmaer | n87-941322 | Vosmaer, Carel, 1826-1888. | 74 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Hull Ward | n2003-88451 | Ward, George Hull, 1826-1863 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Willard Warner | no98-84255 | Warner, Willard, 1826-1906 | 9 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rudolf Westphal | no2004-36000 | Westphal, Rudolf, 1826-1892 | 0 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph Wharton | n86-66814 | Wharton, Joseph, 1826-1909. | 66 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustav Heinrich Wiedemann | n82-115384 | Wiedemann, Gustav Heinrich, 1826-1899. | 41 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph Winlock (astronomer) | n97-119496 | Winlock, Joseph, 1826-1875 | 19 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Wisden | n80-138972 | Wisden, John, 1826-1884 | 11 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thomas Worthington (architect) | nr91-1132 | Worthington, Thomas, 1826-1909 | 6 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Giuseppe Zanardelli | n84-179072 | Zanardelli, Giuseppe, 1826-1903. | 50 | 1826 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dsp13 21:45, 9 August 2006 (UTC)