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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
Wikipedia link | NACO external link | LC recommended name form | Titles in LC | Year of birth | NACO match category |
Antti Aarne | no94-13197 | Aarne, Antti, 1867-1925 | 94 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Georgette Agutte | n2004-7640 | Agutte, Georgette, 1867-1922 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Annie Montague Alexander | n94-26601 | Alexander, Annie Montague, 1867-1950 | 24 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Patrick Young Alexander | n85-293212 | Alexander, Patrick Young, 1867-1943. | 8 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emily Greene Balch | n50-17609 | Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961. | 132 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Albert Bassermann | nr97-34504 | Bassermann, Albert, 1867-1952 | 16 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Julien Benda | nr88-12410 | Benda, Julien, 1867-1956 | 336 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arnold Bennett | n79-95154 | Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931 | 1876 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Petr Bezruč | n79-118069 | BezrucÃå, Petr, 1867-1958 | 287 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Maxime Bôcher | n84-803771 | BoÃÇcher, Maxime, 1867-1918. | 115 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl L. Boeckmann | n85-54676 | Boeckmann, Carl L. (Carl Ludwig), 1867-1923. | 3 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Pierre Bonnard | n79-40127 | Bonnard, Pierre, 1867-1947 | 976 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gutzon Borglum | n83-163667 | Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941. | 198 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hobart Bosworth | n85-151891 | Bosworth, Hobart, 1867-1943. | 41 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
René Boylesve | n50-43159 | Boylesve, ReneÃÅ, 1867-1926 | 319 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank Brangwyn | n50-43064 | Brangwyn, Frank, Sir, 1867-1956 | 275 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Thaddeus Cahill | no00-4612 | Cahill, Thaddeus, 1867-1934 | 4 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Adolfo Caminha | n82-80721 | Caminha, Adolfo, 1867-1897 | 68 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Edwin Campbell (poet) | nr96-1105 | Campbell, James Edwin, 1867-1895 | 3 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John C. Campbell | no2003-27209 | Campbell, John C. (John Charles), 1867-1919 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Amy Carmichael | n82-220190 | Carmichael, Amy, 1867-1951 | 266 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Estabrook Chancellor | n89-613722 | Chancellor, William Estabrook, 1867-1963 | 58 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Herbert L. Clarke | n79-93346 | Clarke, Herbert L. (Herbert Lincoln), 1867-1945 | 231 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John J. Cornwell | no00-100593 | Cornwell, John J., b. 1867 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marie Curie | n80-155913 | Curie, Marie, 1867-1934 | 1015 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rubén Darío | n79-79172 | DariÃÅo, RubeÃÅn, 1867-1916 | 2423 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Léon Daudet | n86-847952 | Daudet, LeÃÅon, 1867-1942 | 407 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Max Dauthendey | n80-33408 | Dauthendey, Max, 1867-1918 | 285 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Homer Davenport | n88-254233 | Davenport, Homer, 1867-1912 | 54 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rufus C. Dawes | no97-2869 | Dawes, Rufus C. (Rufus Cutler), 1867-1940 | 35 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Percy Dearmer | n86-143603 | Dearmer, Percy, 1867-1936. | 380 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jean Delville | n79-60295 | Delville, Jean, 1867- | 21 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frances Densmore | n79-65042 | Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957. | 353 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Max Dessoir | n85-815438 | Dessoir, Max, 1867-1947. | 105 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Maxime Dethomas | n92-76920 | Dethomas, Maxime, 1867-1929 | 6 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eugen Diederichs | n97-82977 | Diederichs, Eugen, 1867-1930 | 41 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph M. Dixon | n97-125997 | Dixon, Joseph M. (Joseph Moore), 1867-1934 | 14 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
A. E. Douglass | n83-56027 | Douglass, A. E. (Andrew Ellicott), 1867-1962 | 83 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Finley Peter Dunne | n79-89538 | Dunne, Finley Peter, 1867-1936 | 262 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Kurt Eisner | n50-32724 | Eisner, Kurt, 1867-1919. | 134 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Fabry | n87-107844 | Fabry, Charles, 1867-1945. | 84 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Falconer | nr89-2878 | Falconer, Robert, Sir, 1867-1943 | 42 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Livingston Farrand | n89-657991 | Farrand, Livingston, 1867-1939 | 91 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lew Fields | n87-847839 | Fields, Lew, 1867-1941. | 80 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Irving Fisher | n50-5294 | Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947. | 719 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leopoldo Fregoli | n91-69308 | Fregoli, Leopoldo, 1867-1936 | 8 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Galsworthy | n79-41972 | Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933 | 2609 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Garran | n85-229009 | Garran, Robert, Sir, 1867-1957. | 48 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Dana Gibson | n50-28210 | Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944. | 226 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Umberto Giordano | n79-107709 | Giordano, Umberto, 1867-1948 | 569 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henri Gouraud (soldier) | no94-8586 | Gouraud, Henri, b. 1867 | 15 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Enrique Granados | n80-17865 | Granados, Enrique, 1867-1916 | 1034 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl R. Gray | nr96-29845 | Gray, Carl R. (Carl Raymond), 1867-1939 | 3 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hector Guimard | n50-18581 | Guimard, Hector, 1867-1942. | 188 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edith Hamilton | n50-18494 | Hamilton, Edith, 1867-1963 | 326 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Yoshimichi Hara | nr93-15000 | Hara, Yoshimichi, 1867-1944 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Kiichiro Hiranuma | n85-253887 | Hiranuma, KiichiroÃÑ, 1867-1952. | 24 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank H. Hitchcock | n84-34811 | Hitchcock, Frank H. (Frank Harris), 1867-1935. | 22 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Johannes Hoffmann | n92-20761 | Hoffmann, Johannes, 1867-1930 | 6 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Hornbostel | n85-235922 | Hornbostel, Henry, 1867-1961. | 13 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James H. Hughes | n2002-22237 | Hughes, James H. (James Hurd), 1867-1943 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Leland Hunter | no2005-29884 | Hunter, George Leland, 1867-1927 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Irwin Hutchinson | n87-810613 | Hutchinson, John Irwin, 1867-1935. | 19 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Georg Huth | no92-30384 | Huth, Georg, 1867-1906 | 18 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Willis Linn Jepson | n89-138329 | Jepson, Willis Linn, 1867-1946 | 84 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leo Jogiches | n98-95754 | Jogiches, Leo, 1867-1919 | 42 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hjalmar Johansen | n98-16087 | Johansen, Hjalmar, 1867-1913 | 30 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Stuart Jones | n89-600902 | Jones, Henry Stuart, 1867-1939 | 155 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marcel Journet | n82-128922 | Journet, Marcel, 1867-1933 | 148 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otto Hermann Kahn | n80-139319 | Kahn, Otto Hermann, 1867-1934. | 216 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Foster Kent | n85-351954 | Kent, Charles Foster, 1867-1925. | 397 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Kerr | n82-17306 | Kerr, Alfred, 1867-1948 | 172 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William F. Kirby | no98-89115 | Kirby, William F. (William Fosgate), 1867-1934 | 3 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Klein | n83-13975 | Klein, Charles, 1867-1915 | 152 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Käthe Kollwitz | n50-44456 | Kollwitz, KaÃàthe, 1867-1945 | 811 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl Laemmle | n86-75524 | Laemmle, Carl, 1867-1939. | 106 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jeanne Lanvin | nb97-62695 | Lanvin, Jeanne, 1867-1946 | 10 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Lawson | n80-36700 | Lawson, Henry, 1867-1922 | 531 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Oscar Levy | n87-901106 | Levy, Oscar, b. 1867 | 88 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Draper Lewis | n86-98969 | Lewis, William Draper, 1867-1949. | 161 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Loeb | nr00-27793 | Loeb, James, 1867-1933 | 62 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Donagh Maginnis | n95-12320 | Maginnis, Charles Donagh, 1867-1955 | 39 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Harold Van Buren Magonigle | no96-49333 | Magonigle, Harold Van Buren, 1867-1935 | 47 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Aleksandur Malinov | no93-24535 | Malinov, AleksanduÃÜr, 1867-1938 | 16 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim | n80-82619 | Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil, friherre, 1867-1951 | 242 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Stephen Tyng Mather | no95-50422 | Mather, Stephen Tyng, 1867-1930 | 45 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph McCabe | n50-9201 | McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955 | 625 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Newton A. McCully | n92-52854 | McCully, Newton A., 1867-1951 | 33 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
R. Tait McKenzie | n82-67527 | McKenzie, R. Tait (Robert Tait), 1867-1938 | 113 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Annie Nathan Meyer | n88-67963 | Meyer, Annie Nathan, 1867-1951 | 69 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Mond | nb2004-308521 | Mond, Robert, 1867-1938 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alexander Pollock Moore | n94-117953 | Moore, Alexander Pollock, 1867-1930 | 3 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Théophile Moreux | n90-614076 | Moreux, TheÃÅophile, 1867-1954 | 118 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ignacy Mościcki | n94-50839 | MosÃÅcicki, Ignacy, 1867-1946 | 17 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Russa Moton | n82-120483 | Moton, Robert Russa, 1867-1940. | 103 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Neilson | n82-208072 | Neilson, Francis, 1867- | 139 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emil Nolde | n79-135037 | Nolde, Emil, 1867-1956 | 689 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joseph Maria Olbrich | n80-112940 | Olbrich, Joseph Maria, 1867-1908. | 150 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Passmore | n83-176176 | Passmore, Walter, 1867-1946. | 18 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John A. Pearson | nr95-24666 | Pearson, John A. (John Andrew), 1867-1940 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Nilo Peçanha | n84-30411 | PecÃßanha, Nilo, 1867-1924. | 24 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Holger Pedersen (linguist) | n81-77166 | Pedersen, Holger, 1867-1953 | 115 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Camilo Pessanha | n84-15707 | Pessanha, Camilo, 1867-1926 | 91 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leon Petrazycki | n84-56356 | PetrazÃáycki, Leon, 1867-1931. | 104 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
David Graham Phillips | n80-153950 | Phillips, David Graham, 1867-1911 | 278 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Józef Piłsudski | n50-11072 | Pi≈Çsudski, JoÃÅzef, 1867-1935 | 676 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Luigi Pirandello | n79-59944 | Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936 | 2893 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Willis Polk | n80-87700 | Polk, Willis, 1867-1924. | 21 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Maud Powell | n85-173128 | Powell, Maud, 1867-1920 | 74 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arthur Rackham | n79-41840 | Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939. | 1075 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alois Rašín | n83-6517 | RasÃåiÃÅn, Alois, 1867-1923. | 55 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walther Rathenau | n79-84127 | Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922 | 432 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jehan Rictus | n82-85698 | Rictus, Jehan, 1867-1933 | 89 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Theodate Pope Riddle | n79-114556 | Riddle, Theodate Pope, 1867-1946. | 18 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ker-Xavier Roussel | n50-49976 | Roussel, Ker Xavier, 1867-1944. | 76 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jacob Ruppert | n80-83959 | Ruppert, Jacob, 1867-1939. | 12 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George William Russell | n79-124616 | Russell, George William, 1867-1935 | 249 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eugen Sandow | n87-141940 | Sandow, Eugen, 1867-1925. | 70 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Adam Stefan Sapieha | n92-100698 | Sapieha, Adam Stefan, 1867-1951 | 8 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Boris Schatz | n83-27365 | Schatz, Boris, 1867-1932. | 29 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marcel Schwob | n82-80282 | Schwob, Marcel, 1867-1905 | 308 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hans Seland | no97-74759 | Seland, Hans, 1867-1949 | 5 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Otterbein Snyder | no2004-81697 | Snyder, John Otterbein, 1867- | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Sommer | n86-138168 | Sommer, William, 1867-1949. | 46 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Len Spencer | n90-608750 | Spencer, Len, 1867-1914 | 64 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arthur Streeton | n89-664455 | Streeton, Arthur, Sir, 1867-1943 | 40 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustav Strube | no93-35523 | Strube, Gustav, 1867-1953 | 54 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Pelot Summerall | n92-44919 | Summerall, Charles Pelot, 1867-1955 | 78 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gaganendranath Tagore | n50-47855 | Tagore, Gaganendranath, 1867-1938 | 31 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Louis-Alexandre Taschereau | n86-112104 | Taschereau, Louis-Alexandre, 1867-1952 | 38 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Fred Tate | nb2002-67332 | Tate, Fred, 1867-1943 | 0 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ludwig Thoma | n50-10147 | Thoma, Ludwig, 1867-1921 | 604 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arturo Toscanini | n50-14549 | Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957 | 1906 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paul-Jean Toulet | n81-80848 | Toulet, Paul Jean, 1867-1920 | 191 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sakichi Toyoda | n85-382727 | Toyoda, Sakichi, 1867-1930 | 17 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eduards Veidenbaums | n80-104043 | Veidenbaums, Eduards, 1867-1892 | 21 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Vierkandt | n94-48647 | Vierkandt, Alfred, 1867-1953 | 69 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Maxime Weygand | n50-19318 | Weygand, Maxime, 1867-1965 | 142 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Laura Ingalls Wilder | n79-95251 | Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-1957 | 1711 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Basil Williams | no95-9539 | Williams, Basil, 1867-1950 | 120 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lightner Witmer | no93-26985 | Witmer, Lightner, 1867-1956 | 51 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge | n81-144093 | Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene, 1867-1940 | 138 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sammy Woods | nb98-55255 | Woods, Sammy, 1867-1931 | 2 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank Lloyd Wright | n79-32932 | Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 | 4022 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Cy Young | n91-44688 | Young, Cy, 1867-1955 | 56 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Samuel Marinus Zwemer | n88-602727 | Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, 1867-1952. | 291 | 1867 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dsp13 18:23, 11 August 2006 (UTC)